Streetcar tracks and cobble stones exposed on Big Bend


Maplewood Richmond Heights student, Matthew Langston, on his way to school on Monday noticed some old streetcar tracks and cobble stones exposed on Big Bend Boulevard at Flora.

See also: Maplewood History: Photos of the Streetcars That Once Traveled Those Tracks at Big Bend and Flora

Photo by Matthew Langston


  1. Cobblestones would certainly be more romantic but I suspect those are actually bricks. Cobblestone streets would be pretty rare out here away from the older parts of the City of St Louis.

  2. This is pretty common in the older parts of town. When the street cars we taken out of service it was easier (and usually cheaper) to leave the tracks where they are and pave over them.
    At Manchester and Yale you can see where the old rails ran through cracks in the asphalt.

  3. I grew up on Flora from 1944 to 1962 and remember streetcars passing the house all the time. It was double tracked between Big Bend and Sutton where we lived. Loved ’em.


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