Stringfest, Bookstore Day, Airedale Antics 10th on Saturday; Active Aging Expo Monday


Dodge the rain this Saturday for these fun events in Maplewood. The Active Aging Expo is Monday at The Heights.

Saturday, April 29

Stringfest in downtown Maplewood — 4 to 7 p.m. — More than a dozen roaming musicians and maverick harpists will perform on the streets of Maplewood. Enjoy food and drink sold on the sidewalks by Maplewood’s award-winning food purveyors. Visit your favorite shops for open houses. More info.

Last year’s Stringfest —

Independent Bookstore Day at The Book House — all day — Independent Bookstore Day is day-long celebration of reading, books, and independent bookstores. Publishers and authors collaborate to create one-of-a-kind books and merchandise for the day. The Book House will be selling many exclusive items, so come early not to miss out. (7352 Manchester Road) More info.

Scheduled authors at The Book House —

Airedale Antics 10th anniversary “pawty’ Prizes and giveaways, big sale on foods. At 4 p.m. join the champagne toast with the rest of Maplewood businesses celebrating Stringfest. Everything Greyt will be the guest adoption group — enjoy food, music and Greyhounds. (7316 Manchester Road) More info.

Monday, May 1

Active Aging Expo at The Heights — 8:30 a.m. – noon. Find out about Mid-County Aging Committee, SSM Health St. Mary’s Hospital, and Richmond Terrace. Maplewood Mayor Barry Greenberg will be there promoting an internet cafe for seniors. Call 314-645-1476 for more info.




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