Sunnen Station apartments 80% leased


Cozad Commercial Real Estate has said that its new apartment development, Sunnen Station, in Maplewood, is nearly 80 percent leased.

Maplewood Planning and Zoning approved the project in 2015. At that time it was to include 58 1-bedroom and 174 2-bedroom apartments ranging  in rent from $1,000 to $1,600 per month.


  1. Sorry, attractive? I lived in Europe for a long time and saw military barracks and abandoned WWII prisons with more aesthetic appeal. However, everyone is entitled to live where they choose and pay an exorbitant amount to do it. Maybe it’s just sour grapes on my part that my whole old neighborhood got bought up and we were forced out to make way for the whole atrocity. Hope all the luxury cars are selling like hotcakes.

  2. Correction to my earlier post: 6 of the floor plans are really only studios! -#beds “S”, bedroom “zero” ranging from $842 (464 sq ft) to $1,081 (581 sq ft). The one-bedrooms rent for $1,192 (650 sq ft) to $1,495 (811 sq ft). The two-bedrooms run from $1,613 (921 sq ft) to $2,120 (1,214 sq ft). Pricey? There’s a recently re-developed building nearby that was converted from apartments to town homes – each now has two-stories plus a basement renting for about $1,400/mo. I know, comparing apples to oranges but are that many people willing to live in only one room for $1,000/mo? If so, hats off to them…

  3. For clarification: Their web site now lists current rents ranging from $840/mo for smallest 475 sq ft one-bedroom unit to $1,495 for largest 811 sq ft one-br (13 floor plans in between}, while two-br units range from $1,613 for 921 sq ft to $2,120 for largest 2-br with 1,214 sq ft depending (4 floor plans in between). If they are 80% leased, maybe like 50/58 one-br are occupied & about 135/174 two-br are rented. Assume vacancies probably on upper-ends of price ranges.

    The exterior is very austere with little if any greenery (yet). Seems like it was dropped in from outer space. The units interior design and amenities appear nicer, but it’s what you make of it like any residence.

    Oh, it’s located 1.3 miles to either the Brentwood or new Maplewood Schnucks, so good luck carrying 3-4 bags of groceries! If you need a car, the Porsche, Maserati/Alfa Romeo, and BMW/Mini Cooper dealers are only 1/2 block away…

  4. I really do appreciate that thing is right on the Metrolink, and within a 5min walk of shopping and cheap groceries. Could reasonably get by without a car. If I were in the market for an apartment this would be an attractive option.


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