Taco Bell invites Maplewood neighbors to meeting for new location


Some Hazel Avenue residents received a letter this week inviting them to a meeting to talk about a proposed new Taco Bell with a company representative at the former Maplewood Tim Hortons.

A resident in the 7400 block of Hazel sent a copy of the letter to 40 South.

Taco Bell’s director of real estate says they’ve heard about the concerns when Tim Hortons came, and wants to talk about the proposed restaurant and hear the neighbors’ concerns.

The open-house style meeting is set for Thursday, May 3 from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.

See also: Taco Bell taking over former Maplewood Tim Hortons location: employees, Maplewood Tim Hortons shuttered



  1. Well done, Mr. Lach. This is an impressive move that most other companies wouldn’t even consider. Taco Bell owes nothing to this community so it’s very refreshing to see them going above and beyond to facilitate a smooth transition into the community.


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