Thornton’s rejected committee appointments, Leahy’s suggestions

Brentwood City Hall

At Brentwood mayor, Chris Thornton’s first board of aldermen meeting, on Monday, his slate of appointments for city committees was voted down 5-3. Alderman Andy Leahy, later in the meeting, gave his recommendations for appointments to Thornton, which he accepted with little comment.

After the meeting Thornton said he would talk with the aldermen about their objections.

These are Thornton’s proposed appointments, followed by Leahy’s suggestions.

Ways & Means
Keith Slusser, chair
Maureen Saunders
Patrick Toohey
David Plufka

Public Safety
David Plufka, chair
Steve Lochmoeller
Andy Leahy
Tom Kramer

Public Works
Steve Lochmoeller, chair
Patrick Toohey
Andy Leahy
Cindy Manestar

Andy Leahy’s suggested committee appointments:

Ways and Means
Maureen Saunders, chair
Keith Slusser
Andy Leahy
Tom Kramer

Public Safety
David Plufka
Andy Leahy
Patrick Toohey, chair

Public Works
David Plufka
Cindy Manestar, chair
Steve Lochmoeller
Tom Kramer

Communications Committee, per 110.310, 3 members
Cindy Manestar
Steve Lochmoeller, chair
Patrick Toohey

Human Rights, per 240.030, 3 members
Maureen Saunders
Keith Slusser, chair
Patrick Toohey


  1. I believe that Jim Pozzo’s interpretation of “advise and consent” is the proper context. That being said, the long history of tensions with the Mayor and BOA could mean that this first meeting just was a learning process. The people who work for us don’t get back as much as they put in. Hopefully the dust will settle down and we can look to our BOA to take forward our needs and the Mayor to justly preside over the representatives of the people. Some of the heavy handed comments seem to be simple raw reaction to long term frustrations–understandable from that point.

    • Tom also I think it was in the Post Dispatch that Brentwood Blvd is being done this May/June and who knows ab0ut MODOT and their plans for Highway 100 (Mancheaster Road). Many people do not realize it is a highway and Brentwood can do very little about it without MODOT approval.

      • Think Brentwood is being done. STL county is getting off their behinds I guess. Highway 100, or Manchester, anybodies guess.

  2. jerry – let me return the favor of your opening statement you are an idiot. For you to write in your opening line that we are all vultures paints a very vivid picture of how on the scale of mankind you are well below the norm. you offer no solutions you simply get on line to insult others who are in fact offering what they believe what is best for Brentwood. For those of us in the know we recognize that Maureen Saunders and Julie Pozzo spent many hours and days gathering signatures to have our city audited. Both of them did this during 90 plus degrees of weather.
    The results alone speak for themselves in that if you recall Mr Sweich said it was the worst audit he had been a part of in his years as state auditor.
    Sadly Jerry you appear to be either a past person working for Brentwood or perhaps a current employees who is receiving pay and benefits that when compared to other cities you do not deserve.
    Let me end this Jerry by stating please show up at the next aldermanic meeting to so we can put a face with your name, go to the podium and express your self if you have the courage to o so.
    I promise I will be there, and will follow you to the podium, do you have the courage to show up? My guess is you won’t be there given your comments.
    Step up Jerry – I look forward to hearing from you

  3. That’s a great question, Jim. I, however, liken this to any other executive office that has the authority to appoint/nominate which then must be approved by an elected body. For instance, the president nominates someone to a federal judgeship. The senate has to approve the president’s nominations. The vast majority of the time they are appointed without the president first running these nominations by the senate simply because the senate understands that the president has this right and it’s done out of a general courtesy to the office. However, there are times when the senate won’t do this. Usually that seems to coincide with moments of gridlock. To me, I think Leahy was out of order as he has no right to make any nominations. If he seriously wanted to give Mayor Thornton his advice and suggestions, this absolutely should have done before the meeting–not while everyone is on the dais. Leahy’s move was bush league and simply an attempt to embarrass. Leahy doesn’t seem to understand that people are tired of these games and showmanship. I agree with you that Mayor Thornton certainly could have discussed these nominations with the Board before the meeting. However I doubt it would have mattered. I think Thornton wants new people heading these committees whereas the old guard do not want to relinquish this “power.”

  4. Steve, the code says “the advice and consent of a majority of the members of the Board of Aldermen.” I read that to mean he would solicit the aldermen’s input (advice) before providing them with his proposed committee chairmen and members. And again the mayor needs the board’s consent per the code so wouldn’t it be best to obtain advice from the board?

  5. Two quick “comments”. First, by ordinance (section 110.270 of the Brentwood Code) “the Mayor shall appoint the Chairmen and members of all standing committees.” The appointments are not to be made by the Board of Alderman. It is Mayor Thornton’s right and, more importantly, responsibility to do exactly what he did at last Monday’s meeting. The same ordinance then states that the Board of Alderman shall provide their consent and advise to the Mayor. During the meeting, no “advise” was given by any of the alderman who voted against the Mayor’s appointments–all of the 5 votes remained silent although the code requires them to speak. As Ms. Ryan mentioned during public comment, this is truly disheartening. I believe that if someone is going to vote “no” that person has an obligation to explain the basis for the “no” vote. Moreover, it’s the Board that failed in their duty mandated by the ordinance by not discussing the proposed appointments during the meeting. A cynical person might sit back and conclude that the Board was merely sandbagging the new Mayor and trying to embarrass him. The voters clearly did speak in April, 2015 and that voice was a need for a change. Mayor Thornton is that change. The “no” votes on the Board of Alderman, with the exception of Mr. Lochmoeller, have been part of the problem for the last 3 years. I applaud the Mayor for having the courage to not appoint anyone from this old regime and look to new faces–Plufka, Slusser and Lochmoeller, although I was surprised that Lochmoeller voted against himself. Second, Jerry, I have no problem with Toohey. He voted “yes” on the Mayor’s appointments even though he was not going to be a chairman. It was Mr. Lochmoeller who with Kramer, Leahy, Saunders and Manestar who failed in their ordinance-mandated duty.

  6. jerry – quite unfair of you to say we don’t state our opinions to our elected officials we do. I don’t see any complaining and people are expressing what to do. Reading your post jerry you appear to be nothing but a bitter individual who prefers a rubber stamping board that would simply nod and smile at the mayor. Please go back and read the state audit, it would explain why we need alderman willing to speak out. Remember we also elected these people. I did vote for our new mayor. to see him appoint all new people to positions the way he did was a surprise. typically a little experience is helpful. the appointments are only a year long.

  7. What a bunch of vultures you are. We, the majority of voters, voted for a person to be the mayor of the city. We also vote for our aldermen. And elected those people. Apparently Leahy is the official un-official leader of the people AGAINST Mayor Thornton, a person that I helped elect. He wants to turn the aldermen into the Leahy and Toohey show. Their main gophers are the loudest aldermen, Saunders and Kramer.
    Everyone who has posted so far are winners who are still acting like under-dog losers. Quit bring up old business and bring up NEW business. Quit complaining and start working. On every main issue, I contact Cindy, to give my opinion, and get an answer. That is the way that a Democratic governments work.
    Instead of whining, why don’t you, the writers in this forum, tell us your ideas of how to make thins better for BRENTWOOD. Tell you alderman and write your ideas here.
    BRENTWOOD is now the Leahy, Saunders, Kramer, and Toohey (didn’t he get the LEAST amount of Mayoral votes?) show. If they can’t get anything done in the next two years, THEY ARE JUST PLACE HOLDERS!

    • Sorry, Jerry, but a majority of Brentwood voters did NOT vote for Mr. Thornton. While each of our city’s 8 aldermen was elected by a majority of voters, Mr. Thornton was not. Most of the voters who cast a ballot for mayor on April 7 — 53% of us — voted for someone else. Mr. Thornton’s 47% plurality was neither a ringing endorsement nor a mandate. And how astonishing that as his first official act, our rookie mayor would try to appoint rookie aldermen to chair each of the city’s aldermanic committees. Think about that. The most critical elected positions in our city’s government — all of them — would be held by untested novices who have no prior experience in these offices, while the city’s 5 experienced aldermen would be given the shaft. I smell the unmistakable odor of Pat Kelly in this. Bravo to 4 of our 5 veteran aldermen, and to newbie Steve Lochmoeller, for taking the governance of our city serious enough to reject the mayor’s committee appointments. It was gratifying and reassuring to see our aldermen assert themselves this way. I salute Aldermen Kramer, Leahy, Saunders, Manestar, and Lochmoeller for vetoing the mayor’s foolish plan. If Mr. Thornton wants to be successful, he would be wise to remind himself every day that most Brentwood voters did not want him to be mayor, and to act with humility, cooperation, and consensus.

      • Man you guys area really something. The BHGH vote didn’t go down the way you wanted it so you picked apart each alderman and their vote. Now the mayor who won the election according to our system of government didn’t really win the election (based upon your system of counting pieces of paper called ballots) because he’s done something you don’t like. Its endless with you people. Few things as final in life as recording a real estate deed or counting ballots. Get over yourselves and quit with the ass backwards self justification of your ass backwards point of view. The guy won the election, maybe you should move to an island somewhere and elect yourself mayor and take Andy Leahy with you. Have a blessed day!

  8. Andy Leahy’s list of appointments was much more in line with Brentwood’s best interests. The Mayor’s list, to use another’s expression, “looks like payback.” I am glad the BOA voted it down. I understand the elections are over, but the actualization of “style over substance” critique is the first mayoral mask we see. I hope this defeat aids Chris in developing a more unifying administration.

  9. nice to finally see citizens willing to openly express their opinions that seemed to have been bottled up by a prior mayor who had no tolerance for dissent and was quick to blackball those who opposed him. Will our new Mayor listen or be a totalitarian regime as we have been ruled by in the past. As someone who attended his first meeting it would have been appreciated had he explained even the simple changes he decided to impose from the first gavel so that we could have some expectation of what we were getting with our new leadership.
    His out of the gate appointments were very surprising given he decided to pass on all prior experience and give the new folks leadership roles that they were simple not competent to be able to do at this point in time. From my perch it looked like it was his payback to the Mayor Kelly and his support. On the surface they simple made Mayor Thorton look as if he had no interest in what was best for the city, simply his deciding that I am in charge all other opinions are not welcome.
    While attending the debate what he said to win my vote did not come out in his first meeting as Mayor. Hopefully, Mayor Thorton is a quick learner and will realize that the Pat Kelly days are over and we want fresh ideas and new leadership. Any hanging on to the past will turn Mr Thorton into a two year Mayor.
    Mr. Mayor you promised a new day and transparency, for your first at bat you struck out badly.
    You have some very competent Alderman in Kramer, Leahy and Saunders who can assist you in giving the city back to its rightful owners, the taxpayers. Sooner or later the employees need to be put back into their rightful place – being employees of we the people of Brentwood.
    I have a very large sphere of influence in this community and I have expressed to my neighbors and friends that it is only one meeting and that I have no doubt that at the next meeting you will find that your will make the right decision in appointing the proper Alderman to lead the committees.
    A supporter of yours – Ron

  10. William – I think you nailed it. Sadly everyone is afraid of the fire chief and police chief because they are very good at holding grudges and it is easy to watch them make faces at Alderman who even make the slightest statement that may disagree with what they want. These folks are paid well above the norm, have a fire house that is one of the finest in the area and still are the first to complain if they don’t get their way on any request. Have any ever apologized in public for forging overtime pay?
    As you said we are their bosses and yet they have no hesitancy in looking at us with disdain when we bring up the inequity in their benefits and pay as compared to the marketplace. To say things are out of hand and need to be reeled back in is an understatement.
    To our new mayor, are you strong enough to bring things in line with the marketplace or are you planning to just be a two year placeholder.
    Your appointments were voted down and yet despite your promise of being open to those of us who voted for you, you left us leaving the meeting Monday asking ourselves, where is the Mayor we voted for in the election.
    You showed yourself very poorly in your first public meeting. Do you have the courage to acknowledge your mistakes and come to the next meeting with a collective agreement to put the right people in the right positions to move the city forward.
    So far you simply look like a bully.

  11. While not a big fan of Alderman Leahy, his suggestions make a lot more sense than the new mayor’s thoughts. Over the past three years only one Alderman has continued to fight for the citizens realizing that the money that is coming into the cities tax base belongs to the citizens. Our past mayor and retired alderman were so busy trying to make the employees happy that they had completely forgotten that it is the Brentwood taxpayer’s dollars that they were using so that they could be friends with the employees. Being someone’s boss and their friend are two totally different agendas. It is time that our city employees are brought back to reality with a pay scale comparable to a city our size. And the benefits they receive are far superior to anyone working in the private sector.
    There was a time that those who went into public works did it to sacrifice for the public good. It has reached the point in Brentwood that those city jobs are more lucrative than those of their bosses, us the public.
    As citizens we need to begin supporting the roll back of a pay scale that has our city at the top end of paying city employees whole in the meantime we drive down Brentwood road hoping not to blow out a tire with the poor condition of our roads.
    Brentwood citizens, stand up and start owning your tax dollars. Why are you paying outrageous health care costs while those who work for you have little to no out of pocket expenses.
    If the city employees can find better pay and benefits than let them go find it. In reality, they won’t in the public sector, it no longer exists.

    The only real choice for Ways and Means is Saunders who has the guts to stand up and say enough is enough. After the war that was waged against her in winning her seat, I have not doubt that she can stand up to the employees with facts and figures that would make them realize they are making a beyond fair living. If they decide to protest and leave, I an guarantee there will be a line around the block trying to fill the position open.

    • Mr. Sherman, you clearly know what’s going on in Brentwood. You should have run for mayor.

      The employee-compensation survey recently performed for our city revealed something very disturbing, and something few of us knew — that Brentwood is the “Palm Beach” of local municipalities when it comes to city employees’ pay. Little old Brentwood, with its 2 square miles of land, 8000 residents, aging housing stock, working-class and middle-class families, and ‘F’ state audit result, has the highest-paid city employees in the St. Louis region. Brentwood pays its city workers more than Ladue does, or Chesterfield, or Frontenac!

      And it’s just as you explained: Mayor Kelly and his aldermanic pals put us in this unsustainable position by taking our tax dollars and overpaying our city employees over the years in order to keep them happy and secure their political support come election time. What Kelly & Co. did was opportunistic, reckless, and shameless, and it has put Mayor Thornton and today’s aldermen in the difficult position of having to play “bad cop” to reign in or even lower city salaries. This won’t be easy or pretty, because no one wants to have his/her pay reduced, but city voters will insist that this be done.

      The reason we now know about our overpaid city workers is because of the alderman you cited “who had the guts to stand up and say ‘enough is enough'” — Maureen Saunders. She worked against stiff opposition to get the compensation survey approved and funded. Mayor Kelly did his best to kill it, knowing how embarrassing the results would be for him. It was also Ald. Saunders who ended Mayor Kelly’s practice of using our tax dollars to provide health-care benefits to certain aldermen (those he liked). And it was Ms. Saunders, who, as a private citizen, successfully petitioned the State of Missouri to audit our city’s books and discover numerous and serious irregularities and violations.

      Ald. Saunders is the obvious choice to lead the Ways & Means Committee. No one else comes close. So when Mayor Thornton didn’t select her, he appeared to prove his critics right — that repaying political debts is more important to him than the welfare of our city. The residents of Brentwood don’t need petty political maneuvering right now. What we need is capable and courageous leadership at City Hall.

      • Doug – I completely agree with you on staying on topic. the challenge is when those who want to engage in an intelligent date first decide an insult in the way to start an opinion. Jerry deserved the comment and reaction he received as he was the first to decide to step into the gutter.
        Also, the old guard is gone. the mayor and his rubber stamping group are out of the picture it will now be nice to see if the new mayor and the Alderman can find common ground to push the city forward. One needs to only drive Manchester and Brentwood Boulevard to see there is a lot of work to be done on two of the most centrally used streets that currently are in very poor condition.

      • And it was Alderman Saunders who sounded the alarm that Kelly & Seemayer had allowed our city’s budget reserve to fall to a dangerously low level — much lower than most other St. Louis County municipalities and well below the standards of the International City Management Association (ICMA).

        No one has shown more concern for Brentwood’s fiscal health or for Brentwood’s taxpayers than Alderman Saunders has. And she knows what she’s talking about, having worked as an accountant and a controller for a number of years. Of course she should lead the Ways & Means Committee. We should be so lucky.

        The people of Brentwood love this spunky and ethical woman for coming to our fiscal rescue. Mayor Thornton should be careful who he snubs. Saunders won her seat in a landslide with 67% of the vote. Thornton won his with only 47%.

        • Russell- You’re killing me with this constant breakdown of the % of votes received and your interpretation that somehow this makes any difference. You know what they call a medical school student who graduates at the bottom of his class? Doctor. I think you and I met once, not at Maddenfest, it was at the Parade of the Virgins at Forest Park if you remember those two girls. You seemed fairly sensible. Please quit with the sour grapes. Thornton WON the erection and is our mayor. You can’t undo that with some voodoo mathematics. His office carries the same responsibility to fairly represent the people who voted in the erection (no matter who they voted for) as well as the people who didn’t bother to vote.


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