Title company renovating, to occupy, former comic book shop location


The building in the 7200 block of Manchester Road that once housed the comic book shop, The Fantasy Shop, and a nails salon is being redeveloped by Gateway Title Company, which will occupy the building, according to a source familiar with the location. The title company also owns the building. The Fantasy Shop has moved to 7329 Manchester Road, near Schnucks.

An uncovered interior wall reveals an old sign.
Gateway Title Company is renovating and will occupy the building in the 7200 block of Manchester Road.


  1. Lots of service businesses in that area over the years. That sign would go back much further than 30 years. (Grew up in Maplewood, I’m over 70 years old. Live in Maplewood now.) Probably looks newer as has been covered over with renovations over the years.

  2. Might of had to do with the Chevrolet dealership that was across the street, or the Tire shop at the intersection of Manchester and southwest.. a lot changed. I base that on old pictures of the area back in the day.

  3. I have been in Maplewood for over 30 years and I cannot think what company would have been there that had that painted on the wall. I seem to recall some rental company being around there. But it says Trucks. Anyone remember who that might have been. It is a neat graphic but I bet it is going to get painted over before long.


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