Locomotive to steam through Maplewood


Union Pacific says its No. 844 steam locomotive will leave its Cheyenne, Wyoming, base on Oct. 13 for a round trip taking it through nine states, going as far south as Memphis, according to Trains Magazine. It will steam through Maplewood on the way.

The train is scheduled to depart Kirkwood station headed for St. Louis at 12:45 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 18, running south of Deer Creek, in Webster Groves, then into Maplewood along Greenwood Boulevard.

It’s due into downtown St. Louis at 1:30 p.m., overnight there, and depart at 8 a.m. on Wednesday. See the full schedule.

The engine was the last steam locomotive delivered to Union Pacific, built in 1944. It was  originally built for high-speed passenger work. Commercial Union Pacific steam operations ended in the late 1950s, according to Wikipedia.

Union Pacific 844 traveling through Cajon Pass in November 2011.
Union Pacific 844 traveling through Cajon Pass in November 2011, via Wikipedia


  1. How long does it take for them to get the train warmed up in the morning??

    Was wanting to see it warm up in the morning and depart St. Louis…..!!!

  2. U. P. 844 is stopping in Pacific Mo. from 11:15 till 11:45 , same time as allotted to Kirkwood and much less traffic jam. Think I’ll try there , plenty of room for photo ops too.

  3. I took my sons to see a museum of transportation event where the Frisco 1522 was running. I was met with skepticism when I said the engine was alive. then. Then, as it slowly steamed past, blowing steam at us, my boys exclaimed” it is alive! It’s breathing fire!” Let’s see a diesel get that reaction from a kid.

  4. The place described behind Andy’s seasoning is also the place where Ringling Brother’s circus train stops. I used to work at California and La Salle and see the elephants being marched down to the arena. Circus people would stop by our shop.

  5. My sister’s husband worked for Union Pacific and he traveled by train to inspect various areas. He took my sister and me on a train one time – just to look around. I remember how loud it was. I am looking forward to observing
    this chance to see it again. Thank you for the information.

  6. I’ve been in downtown area to see her but it’s not easy to access. Can take Metrolink to Union Station stop on 18th street and take ML King bus route up Chouteau. It’s a block north of Chouteau and she always sits on tracks closest to road. People do park on grassy areas but they are private business areas and not sure if that will be allowed, it’s right behind Andy’s Seasonings which fronts on Chouteau at Ewing. There’s a lighting place across Ewing there too. I just took the bus and walked in, but I’m used to riding transit. I did see her come through Maplewood along Greenwood. I noticed Kansas City does have two display days but they can pull in right near Union Station where ours is in area that is not easily set up for displays. Kirkwood is always a mob scene, that’s why I didn’t go out there. Talked to people who did and there were hundreds of people there and she didn’t even stop.

  7. Last time I took photos of a steam engine train in St Louis the train had broken. It was wonderful fun. So enjoyed taking photos of the engine and the rest of the train. Took some photos that showed a beautiful blue grease that was used on different parts of the train. There are so many areas of the train to photograph.

  8. I once had a chance to see the Union Pacific “Big Boy”, #4014, up close. It is the largest steam locomotive ever built. So big that it is “articulated”, in two parts hinged in the middle so it could negotiate curves. 4 driving wheels on the front section and 4 more on the back section. Connected by flexible steam lines.

  9. As a kid in Ft Laramie Wyoming in the 50s I can remember hearing the “chuff, chuff” form these big guys from miles away, and see the smoke for nearly as far. Saw them pull a couple of troop trains, and a “booster train” or 2 (don’t remember what was being boosted, but there was a jazz band and lots of candy.) Diesel-electric just doesn’t have that character to it.

  10. I can remember as a little girl when we would hear “that” sound, we would all run up to the tracks to see that special steam engine coming through! Then Grandpa & I shared this with my son as he grew up. Special memories. Why is Johnny Cash playing in my head,….”I hear that train a coming, coming down the tracks….” So excited to see & hear this again. It’s been a long time coming. Thanks for letting us know about it!

  11. The schedule shows it arriving in St. Louis on October 18th and not leaving until the 19th. I’m assuming it will be on display in St. Louis.

    • After stopping at Kirkwood Station for a half hour, it will head to St. Louis and will stay at Ewing Ave and Papin St. Not sure how the access will be there, there’s a bunch of rail to cross over.

  12. Odd that the 844 will stop for a day of display twice, coming and going, in Kansas City but will not be on display in St. Louis. Weird.

    • That’s because the RRs in general look down on St. Louis and treat other cities like Kansas City and Chicago much better.

      It’s sad, too. When this RR was the Missouri Pacific, they treated St. Louis so much better. For example, UP either cut or moved all the old MP St. Louis jobs to Omaha.


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