Twin Peaks cuts the ribbon


The Mid County Chamber of Commerce helped Twin Peaks restaurant cut the ribbon on Tuesday. It’s at the former Olive Garden, in Maplewood Commons. After the formalities, members checked out the enlarged bar, and comfy chairs and big screens in the ‘ultimate man cave.’

via Mid County Chamber of Commerce
via Mid County Chamber of Commerce
via Mid County Chamber of Commerce
via Mid County Chamber of Commerce


  1. It’s just a booby bar, a Hooter’s knock-off. You either like it or you don’t, you go or you don’t. If the quality of the food was relevant, the servers would be dressed like most other restaurant servers. Here, it’s the quality of the cleavage and buns that matter.

  2. Jaressa, First, about Quick Trip. I’ll bet that the Maplewood budget has increased quite a bit, from its addition to the community. The City, ANY city, should be concerned about all of the people in the city, when paying for services. Now about the dress code at Twin Peaks. From what I see in the pictures, these women would be WAY over-dressed at the Maplewood swiming pool. Before you get you feathers all ruffled, why don’t you start at the public pool, and get a dress-code passed there. Dang woman. If you want to all in a tither about something, get the Vapor places shut down. That stuff is as bad as cigarettes.

    • Increased sales may mean increased sales tax revenue for Maplewood, but it does not increase revenue for the public schools. A place like Twin Peaks in my back yard is not desirable for me, and many other residents of Maplewood feel the same. We accept it feeling helpless to stop it, just like Quik Trip, just like the tenth fried chicken place, etc. Can’t stop “progress”, I guess. But that is not the kind of “progress” I envision for Maplewood

    • “Feathers all ruffled” “all in a tither” “dang woman”
      Jerry…..sigh. Really?
      Are you trying to prove ‘hmm’s point?

      • I’m just tryin to be nice about it maryr. Here in Maplewood we have a bunch of bars, cigarette and vapor sales places. Heck, we’ve got a whole brewery, we have Catholics who gamble, and who in heaven actually KNOWS what’s in those hokey over priced Strange Donuts! If she wants to affect change, she should run for office. Get in there her own dang self and quitherbitchin! Tearing other folks down by judging and criticizing them is against what the Bible stands for. She should build herself up, not drag other’s down….

      • I’m just tryin to be nice about it maryr. Here in Maplewood we have a bunch of bars, cigarett sales places. Heck, we’ve got a whole brewery, we have Catholics who gamble, and who in heaven actually KNOWS what’s in those hokey over priced Strange Donuts! If she wants to affect change, she should run for office. Get in there her own dang self and quitherbitchin! Tearing other folks down by judging and criticizing them is against what the Bible stands for. She should build herself up, not drag other’s down….

        • Wait….what? I’m sorry. I thought you were judging and criticizing misogyny, smoking, drinking, gambling and eating strange donuts. But you would not judge and criticize because of the Bible. You are actually affirming the rights of all of us to smoke, drink, gamble, eat strange donuts and objectify woman. You would never build yourself up by dragging others down. I can see now that you were going all meta on us. I apologize for initially misinterpreting your remarks. Thank you for nicely explaining it to me. While you are being so nice and explaining things to me, could you help me with “quitherbitchin”?

  3. My biggest disappointment is that the only vegetarian friendly items on the menu were two appetizers and two salads.

    • Wait, is this comment from the real Barry? If it is, you should be ashamed of yourself. You want to be Maplewood’s mayor? You also wanted Quick Trip, an absolutely horrible decision for Maplewood that I still do not understand. You and your council also said yes to yet another fast food restaurant going into Maplewood. But that is not what we need. Now you completely ignore the obvious, “Twin Peaks” is a restaurant that employs female wait staff wearing next to nothing, tight short shorts and skimpy, tight tops. Then you add insult to it by making smarmy comments that your only complaint is about them not having enough vegetarian options. Really?! It might bring in high revenue, but there is nothing else about “Twin Peaks” that will add any sort of value to Maplewood. It will in fact devalue Maplewood. Thanks, Barry–NOT!

      • From all of the complaints in this diatribe, it seems necessary to remind you that council members are required to vote in accordance with codes set. The city council can’t deny a business that meets the zoning criteria because they don’t like it. They also can’t dictate clothing employees wear as long as it meets a minimum requirement. So if your issue with twin peaks is the attire of the wait staff then you have an issue with the way the legislation is written. The attire is acceptable under the current code. So please spare us your deriding comments about individuals who in your opinion fail to enforce some obscure moral code and actually consider what the code states. I’m glad to have two candidates for mayor that understand the need to change the code so real changes can be made to improve the city of MW.

      • Jeez, what’s the big deal? Seems like a fine place to go hang out and watch a game like most normal people do. Sure it’s a chain restaurant, but it’s not on our small business district. You attacking Barry on this issue is uneccessary. I’ve lived in Maplewood a long time, before it was cool to live in Maplewood. The way it looks to most of us is people like Jaressa are what’s destroying Maplewood.

        • Just like Quik Trip has only made Maplewood worse, I do not believe a place like Twin Peaks will do anything to improve Maplewood either, and I am not alone. Can we keep a place like Twin Peaks out? Clearly not. It is not the direction I want to see Maplewood going in, and I am not alone in feeling this way. Is it the end of the world? No. Is it super wonderful for Maplewood? No…

      • Jaressa,

        Your comments indicate you do not understand how Maplewood city government operates. No one on city council can prevent a business from opening as long as it adheres to code. I encourage you to attend a citizen’s academy next time there is one offered. It’s very helpful and will prevent you from making inaccurate assumptions in the future.

  4. I went there a couple weeks ago with my 17 yr old son and 19 yr old daughter for lunch. Service wasn’t too speedy but the food was very good and I’d recommend the place to anyone. Yes the waitresses wear skimpy outfits, if this offends you then don’t go but it’s 2017 for heavens sake. It’s not like they opened a strip club. It’s a fun place to have a beer, eat some good food and watch some sports (they have more TV’s than anyplace I’ve ever been to).

      • Yes. But supporters claim that it is only about “delicious” food and “friendly” service. Really? Just call things what they are instead of completely ignoring what they are. Did you see Barry, current Maplewood council member and mayoral candidate’s comment above? He wants to be mayor??? He sees nothing wrong with a restaurant where women wear extremely short shorts and skimpy, tight, breast-revealing tops? Tells you a lot. He also supported the Quick Trip even though it was obviously a very bad decision for Maplewood! Why? It says a lot about who he is and Maplewood residents should pay attention.

        • Jaressa,

          I can understand your point of view for not liking the venue, however, anyone can use any name on here to comment. Before you make comments directed at Barry, you should be 100% sure it is actually him posting. You wouldn’t want someone using your name to post things on a news website and being blamed for it. I am not saying it’s not him, but you should be certain.

          • From my end, it looks certain that all comments here attributed to Barry Greenberg are his – same email for 37 comments – including the one in question.


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