Visit local gardens on sustainable backyard tour

This is one of the backyards on the tour, featuring a raingarden and chickens.

The fourth annual Sustainable Backyard Tour takes place Sunday. Six of the 46 total backyards in the tour are in the 63117, 63143 and 63144 area codes.

This is one of the backyards on the tour, featuring a raingarden and chickens.
This is one of the backyards on the tour, featuring a raingarden and chickens.

The tour is a grassroots effort to showcase ways area homeowners are implementing naturescapes, bees, chickens, vegetables, energy conservation, rainscapes and edible perennials.

There is no starting point and the tour is free. The idea is to visit the backyards, talk with the homeowners and learn all you can.

EFS Energy, Kakao Chocolate and SeedGeeks are local businesses supporting the tour. Pick up a printed tour booklet at EFS Energy (7312 Manchester Road) or Kakao Chocolate (7272 Manchester Road).

For more information see the Sustainable Backyard Tour site. EFS Energy also has information on the tour, as well as five ways to cultivate a more sustainable life style in your backyard.

These are the area backyards in the Sustainable Backyard Tour. The notes are from the printed tour guide.

  • Urban Homestead of SeedGeeks Heirloom Seeds
    2637 Melvin Avenue, Brentwood 63144
    Modern urban homestead in its sixth year
  • Susan and Kei Bird Heaven
    115 Lake forest Drive, Richmond Heights 63117
    Half-acre Gold Certified Audubon “Bring Conversation Home” yard
  • Art and Architecture Inc.
    7229 Clayton Road, Clayton 63117
    Learn about removing invasive plants and turf grass, adding micro-berms and rain barrels
  • Adventure Farm
    1616 Del Norte, Richmond Heights 63117
    A small urban homestead integrating human food production using permaculture principles into the existing native plant gardens.
  • Doug and Nancy’s Project
    7344 Marietta Avenue, Maplewood 63143
    Deer Creek Watershed Alliance raingarden with permeable paver patio; drain sprouts that drain to French drains; 5 hens.
  • Bob and Francine Case’s Garden
    2125 McCausland Avenue, Dogtown 63143
    Our backyard is a kitchen garden full of vegetables, herbs, raspberries and a fig tree.



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