Vom Fass free wine tasting to benefit neighbor’s cause


Vom Fass St. Louis owner Anita von Ballmoos is in her second month of donating part of all purchases from one day to a good cause. Last month she donated to a human rights related cause, because June is Gay Pride Month, she said.

winetastingThis month she chose a cause close to the heart of her next door neighbor, Airedale Antics. On Friday, July 17 from 5-7:30 p.m. von Ballmoos is hosting a free benefit wine tasting for Airedale Terrier Rescue and Adoption. Vom Fass is at 7314 Manchester Road; Airedale Antics is at 7316.

At the end of the day, von Ballmoos will give a check to Airedale Antics co-owner Tony Phipps for 10 percent of all purchases from the day.

La Cosecha Coffee Roasters has started a similar program they call Share the Harvest. The third Tuesday of each month they contribute 50 percent of sales to a charity. They have donated to Freedom Arts and Education Center, in St. Louis and The Book House, in Maplewood.



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