Watercolor of historic Maplewood building donated to library


The Maplewood Public library now has a watercolor for its walls that commemorates a historic Maplewood building. Carlene Masters, the widow of the late Stan Masters, last week donated one of her late husband’s paintings of one of the Dr. Cape Buildings, that still stands at the corner of Sutton Boulevard and Hazel Avenue.

photo(7)The storefront had the first Harper’s Pharmacy, according to Maplewood historian, Doug Houser. It was named for Dr. Leander Cape, one of Maplewood’s earliest businessmen and community leaders.

Orbit pinball lounge is in the ground-level corner building now.

Stan Masters’ paintings have grown in value since Carlene contracted Clark Graves Antiques in Clayton to sell her husband’s 350-plus paintings. The highest one has sold for is $8,000. Four were sold to the Mercantile Library in St. Louis, and Carlene donated two in addition to those.

Masters painted between the years of 1970 and 1994, when he had a stoke and couldn’t paint any longer. He died in 2005.

Carlene said he had a show in New York City but it didn’t go well. “They’re mostly into the contemporary stuff — a splash of paint here, a splash of paint there,” she said. “I think around here people appreciate it more.”

Library Director Terry Donnelly said the painting would be framed, with a plaque to commemorate it. He said it might be hung in the hallway to the lower level.Screen shot 2014-02-17 at 10.51.26 AM


  1. Working with the watercolors of Stan Masters has been the highlight of my career. And getting to know Carlene over these past 7+ years has been a joy and honor. How fitting that one of Stan’s iconic paintings will soon hang in the Maplewood Library. It’s a testament to both the quality of Stan’s work and the generosity of Carlene’s heart.

  2. What a beautiful gift to be shared with the people! And such an honor to the memory of Uncle Stan.
    So proud of you Aunt Carlene!

  3. Carlene Masters is a lovely woman who generously shares her late husband’s talents. Stan Masters was an amazing artist! Maplewood is lucky to have Mrs. Masters in the community!


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