Woodside settles down; structural work on this old Marietta house


The Woodside farmhouse in Maplewood has been suspended several feet in the air while a new foundation was poured. Recently it was lowered back down onto its new foundation. The owners are tweeting about its renovation at @WoodsideHouseMO and blogging about it on A Farmhouse in the City.

Meanwhile, at a Maplewood home about 50 years younger than Woodside…

In the basement of 40 South News HQ on Marietta Avenue, a 6×6 post holding up the first floor was rotting from moisture at the base. Local carpenter, Robert Smith, used jacks to support the beam and installed a new 6×6 resting on a raised concrete base. A surprise was finding an old stone floor beneath the concrete.

Smith chipped away the old floor to pour a new cement base. That’s stone down there.
He made a form for the new concrete base, and put in rebar to keep it all together.
Other than finishing work and cleanup — a brand new 6×6 holding up the house.
Robert Smith gets ready to install the new post.


  1. A old stone is a surprise. Could there have been another home there before?
    the home I live in used to sit back on the site. It was two room, no bathroom, the was a out house. We have found a lot of cool old bottles digging around in the old trash heap. The house was added on to over the years. In the 30’s or 40’s a fish pond was added with a rock garden that had a waterfall cascading down into the pond.
    The house was built in 1914.


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