Year’s top posts, contest winner announced

BJC Behavioral Health intake worker Mike Binetsch (left), worked over several months to establish a rapport with Johnny, right, a client who left life on the streets of Brentwood for an apartment. | Photo by Marilynn Hart

The winner of the contest to name the top five stories of the year in 40 South News was almost perfect, naming one through four in the right order.

The top story in 40 South News the past year, by a large margin, was the one about a homeless man in Brentwood getting his own apartment. The New York Times reporting from Maplewood was second and restaurant news and Brentwood politics finished it off.

40 South News top five stories of the year:

  1. BJC Behavioral Health helps homeless man off the streets in Brentwood
  2. New York Times: Maplewood part of legal system that led to Ferguson
  3. Maplewood McDonald’s to close Tuesday
  4. Fresh tacos, enchiladas soon at independently-owned shop
  5. Missouri Ethics Commission to investigate Brentwood mayor, 3 aldermen

Elisa Reeves was the winner of the 40 South News contest to pick the top five, in order, out of the top 10 articles. She obviously knows the importance of restaurant news, and also what a big deal it was that Johnny found a home, and The New York Times reported from Maplewood. She wins a pizza from Blind Tiger for her good judgement.

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Elisa’s top five list:

  1. Homeless man (finds a home)
  2. NYT (reports from Maplewood)
  3. McDonald’s (to close Thursday)
  4. Tacos (soon at an independent shop)
  5. Church’s Chicken



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