Maplewood houses painted ‘vacation’ colors


Some Maplewood residents recently have broken out of the mold of houses painted white.

Bryonie Carter and Jeff Mertz, in the 7400 block of Flora Avenue, about two weeks ago painted their house a color that reminds them of some houses – painted blue and green – they see in Michigan where they vacation.

Carter said when it was white sometimes she’d drive right by it. No more.

Mertz said their next door neighbors painted their house green just a couple weeks earlier.


  1. At first the green seemed to stick out (not in a bad way mind you) – but then once the neighbor went blue, and now the bright boldness of them have become my favorite aspect of that block 🙂

  2. About 19 years ago I got rid of the white on my house on Lyndover Place, making it a sand color. It inspired a neighbor down the street to paint their house yellow. When I worked on my house about 9 years ago I found some old layers of paint, including green. I like seeing more color on houses.

  3. White is not a bad color but you can make it pop with a few additional colors. Window or door trim can be an accent color, add some shutters with color, paint the caps and bases of the pillars of the columns.

  4. Looks nice, but they should have gone for lighter pastel colors. My neighbor painted theirs a kind of cream color, and they said they’ve really noticed their A/C going on a lot less.

  5. I love it. A lot of Maplewood homes likely had more color and multiple colors in them in the era when they were originally built. A look through an early 20th Century Sears Kit Home plan book will show the varied color pallets of the era. There are more choices out there than white, khaki/tan, and gray.


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