3 running for Ward 3 now


Three Maplewood Ward 3 residents have now picked up a petition to run for the Ward 3 council seat, which will be vacant after Barry Greenberg becomes mayor. He was elected in the April 4 election.

Those who have picked up petitions to run for Ward 3 council member are:

The election will be Tuesday, August 8. The candidate who gets the most votes in that election is the winner. There will be no primary election.

The candidates are required to have 50 certified signatures by Ward 3 residents on their petition. According to a city ordinance, no voter shall sign more than one nominating petition for the same office. If that happens, only the first filed of the petitions signed by the voter will count.

Anyone else wishing to run for the seat needs to pick up a petition at Maplewood City Hall, 7601 Manchester Road. Filing closes on May 23. Petitions are reviewed and approved by the St. Louis County Board of Elections.


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