Barry Greenberg wins race for mayor of Maplewood


Barry Greenberg, 14-year council member for Maplewood’s Ward 3, won the race for mayor of Maplewood over Patrick Jugo, running for municipal office for the first time.

Both are architects and live on Vine Avenue. Greenberg emphasized his experience in Maplewood government in his campaign. Greenberg took 57 percent of the vote (772 votes) to Jugo’s 43 percent (574). He won a four-year term.

Barry Greenberg and his wife, Deni, at their home on Tuesday night, where they watched the election returns.

The races for councilman were unopposed.

  • Ward 1 – Steve Moseley
  • Ward 2 – Ray Crader
  • Ward 3 – Shawn Faulkingham


  1. Doug,
    I remember a conversation that “anonymous ” was not longer allowed, but “a citizen” is. How fair is that?

    • Susan, Even a commenter who uses first and last name could be anonymous. There are ways to force commenters to register and be who they say they are (first and last), but it would cut back comments, I’ve been told.

  2. He personally spoke to so many people and stopped by so many homes … we thought it was fantastic … we peppered him with questions and he answered them all. I think he’ll be a great mayor.

  3. Congrats, Barry. He won my vote the first time we met — as he was walking the neighborhood to visit with citizens — as it was clear his experience on city council and interest in Maplewood’s future is what we need. Oh, and he’s a Wildcat!

  4. Congrats to Berry and Maplewood! The voters picked the right person and did not succumb to the “we need change mantra.” Experience does matter.

  5. Congrats to our new mayor! Met him and enjoyed our conversation. So glad he won! He had my vote from the start but especially once we spoke.


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