7 in line for Brentwood public office 8 a.m. Tuesday

Steve Lochmoeller, Patrick Toohey, Tom Kramer and Patrick Dignam wait outside the Brentwood Library on the first day to file for public office.

A handful of candidates filed for public office in Brentwood beginning 8 a.m. Tuesday, though by state law, they didn’t need to be there when the door opened on the first day of filing, they just needed to file by 5 p.m. the first day to be eligible to be first on the ballot in the April 2015 municipal election.

Previously, anyone in line at 8 a.m. the first day was eligible for a random drawing at the next board of alderman meeting to determine the ballot order.

Now, city attorney, Frank Albrecht said it’s done according to state statute, which says anyone filing before 5 p.m. the first day draws a number from a bowl when they file, so the ballot order isn’t known until the last person files at the end of the day. Anyone filing after that will follow anyone who filed the first day. Filing runs through Jan. 20, 2015.

Albrecht said the system is to keep candidates from camping out at the door to be first on the ballot.

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David Plufka for alderman Ward 1, Keith Slusser for alderman Ward 2, Andrew Hartnett for alderman Ward 3, Steve Lochmoeller for alderman Ward 3, Tom Kramer for alderman Ward 4 (incumbent), Patrick Toohey for mayor, and Patrick Dignam for municipal judge were in line around 8 a.m. Tuesday.

See also: Steve Lochmoeller press release for Ward 3 alderman

No other candidates filed to run on Tuesday. Update: no more filed to run as of Dec. 31.

    Steve Lochmoeller, Patrick Toohey, Tom Kramer and Patrick Dignam wait outside the Brentwood Library on the first day to file for public office.
Steve Lochmoeller, Patrick Toohey, Tom Kramer and Patrick Dignam wait outside the Brentwood Library on the first day to file for public office.


  1. Halejulia!! Now we get to see who does and who does not LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE!! When can we expect more information, especially on the mayoral and city attorney candidates? I for one, would be more than happy to re-post my list of grievances against the current Administration. I posted prior to the attorney who refused to be tested for DUI, and who is apparently above the Law of a refusal is an automatic revocation of his driver’s license for one year. I would like to know who is “in bed” with whom? Also, I would like to see more of Patrick Toohey’s platform detailed out, as a candidate for Mayor.


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