8 businesses affected by Maplewood fire, cleanup begins


Crews were at work Wednesday beginning the cleanup after Monday’s fire in downtown Maplewood.

Harmony Health and Healing (7342 Manchester, second floor) where the fire started was damaged the most, has a fund to help them renovate and reopen.

Shanti Yoga, next to Harmony Health and Healing, had extensive smoke damage, has started a recovery fund to help pay the teachers who are out of work during their renovation. According to the owner, on Facebook: “After two days of round the clock cleaning and treatment, not much progress has been made in regards to the level of smoke damage in our space.”

A Woodard employee said eight businesses were affected by the smoke. Penzeys Spices is closed temporarily. Most of the others had smoke damage and are open or will open soon.

Crews were parked in the lot behind the damaged businesses.
Health, Harmony and Healing – second floor – was where the fire began.
Penzeys Spices is closed temporarily.
Photo via Shanti Yoga Go Fund Me



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