Alderman Toohey: use existing curb cuts, Kramer’s bills were extreme

Patrick Toohey said this existing curb cut is a viable entrance/exit for the upcoming Manhasset Village construction.

Brentwood Ward 4 Alderman Patrick Toohey said Friday, at the corner of Eager Road and Thrush Place, that he voted against bills Monday introduced by Alderman Tom Kramer (also Ward 4) to curtail traffic on the upcoming Manhassett Village construction because they were too extreme. The bills failed.

Patrick Toohey said this existing curb cut is a viable entrance/exit for the upcoming Manhasset Village construction.
Patrick Toohey said this existing curb cut is a viable entrance/exit for the upcoming Manhasset Village construction.

Toohey wanted to show that an existing curb cut on Eager between High School Drive and Thrush Place is a viable entrance/exit for construction traffic.

He said Eager Road is clearly the shortest route to the highways.

“I was a little concerned with the narrative, and the incendiary language used by Alderman Kramer when addressing the residents, that Richmond Heights had an attitude of, ‘we’re going to build a structure, but only send the traffic through Brentwood,’” Toohey said.

He said he doesn’t understand why Kramer wouldn’t consider an alternative to his bills.

“With him it seemed like it was my way, or wrong. I can’t vote on something like that,” Toohey said. “We have to look at all the possibilities.”

Toohey said he spoke with the city of Richmond Heights and the developer months ago, and are OK with using the westbound side of the road to enter the property at any point, and then either using the existing curb cut or putting in a different one for exiting traffic.

See also: Brentwood resident reads list of grievances

He said the developer and Richmond Heights knows the Brentwood Forest residents’ concerns, and will do their best to make adjustments as necessary.

He said he’ll monitor the situation and would be ready to put in any ordinances as necessary, “but until it’s an actual problem, I don’t want to put in such an extreme ordinance.”

He said it’s better to keep working relationship with Richmond Heights. “We’re stronger together,” he said.


  1. I was present at all the meetings with the residents of Brentwood Forest and Ald. Toohey showed or mentioned no concern for the people of the Forest. It was never mentioned that that he had this kind of discussion with Richmond Hgts. Al he stated to us is that we should be good neighbors and gave us no alternatives. What is he trying to make himself sound better and try to campaign for MAYOR now.

    • So Marty, are you challenging the documentation, or the non-documented inferences of a meeting? I quite promise I will be all over documentation. I just want peace and justice in B’wd—so the standard needs to be “If it isn’t documented, it didn’t happen…” My background uses this phrase for legal purposes. If what you say happened, document it. THEN come back and grieve inconsistency.

      • Maureen, if this conversation took place with Ald. Toohey the people of Brentwood Forest were not informed of any concerns of Richmond Heights or the developer that could be addressed in the future if they would arise. Also Ald. Toohey did not acknowledge any concerns on his part at anytime during our meetings. We have always been willing to talk to see what could be done but have never been given any opportunity. We were more or less led to believe that the decision was made and that there was nothing we could do.

        • Marty, thank you for your response. THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING THAT CAN AND SHOULD BE DONE by the people when there are issues of grievance. I fault Ald. Toohey for not publically documenting his engagement. But I add we come from two very different backgrounds: accountancy v. healthcare. From my position, if something was not documented, THEN IT WAS NOT DONE. The legal record is only what is documented. I do not doubt that Ald.Toohey did what he said he did, but I am bothered by the political practices of non-documentation on matters that affect citizens’ rights to be heard. I would ask you to approach Ald. Toohey and request a written statement of facts and move forward from that.

          I only met him twice, and only once privately. If a (wo)man signs his name, then it is a testament to credibility. The B’wd Forest governance board needs to get statements of fact and hold the governing persons accountable. B’wd Forest is imo on the edge of going backwards—too many crimes of opportunity, a lull into a false sense of security—I think people pay a lot of money to have a predictable living environment. Ald. Toohey is not boastful, but if he said he took a stand, I for one believe him. I do not believe he is used to vocalizing and grand-standing, which may very well be the crux of your position. This is just what I see. YOU tell me what B’wd Forest sees–that IS the seat of power in the area. Thanks again, Marty.

          • Marty, the lack of credentialing decisions is why the current B’wd City Administration has such a credibility problem. Re B’wd Forest, get the representatives to make statement’s of documented facts about their decisions and how they will handle issues and problems. Then hold them accountable. People need to have an open mind and understand the give and take of being a sister City. But they definitely need to know what are the issues, and where each candidate stands. Thank you Marty. maureen

    • Marty, Not to walk twice over the hot coals, but suggest Ald. Toohey start documenting as well. B’wd is in a bitter struggle over what is brought publically v what is part of a private, non-binding conversation.

      Seems to me that is where we have been for several administrative YEARS. None of this is new. it’s time to start “crossing the ‘t’s and dotting the ‘i’s. I think more needs to be done in the B’wd Forest- former Manhasset Village–could be dog park re-construction. But get something solid before you start throwing stones at a negotiator. And if you have an issue with the way this ald. does his negotiations, then state specifically that. Hind-siding is old hat in B’wd. Turn on the lights.

  2. Well, THAT is what I call a good negotiation, Ald. Toohey. It seems that the words “will monitor” and “avoid extremes” is what we need throughout Brentwood. Good interview, points well made.


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