Butcher to open Friday in Maplewood


Friday is the first day Maplewood will have a butcher, a baker and a candlestick maker. Bolyard’s Meat & Provisions will open Friday at 10 a.m. at 2810 Sutton Boulevard, by the parking lot at Sutton Boulevard and Hazel Avenue.

photoButcher, Chris Bolyard, will open the shop after years as a chef at Sidney Street Café. The butcher shop will sell everything from retail cuts to fresh sausages, smoked meats and house-made condiments.

See also: Almost Maplewood butcher answers a few questions, Lease signed for Maplewood butcher shop, ‘Old-school’ butcher shop planned for Maplewood

Bolyard’s will use only animals that are pasture-raised and handled humanely.

“I’ve always loved butchering,” Bolyard told Riverfront Times. “I’ve always been really passionate about it, and over the years at Sidney Street I’ve been able to hone it. It’s a craft. It’s a skill. It’s something that St. Louis is definitely ready for and needs.”

Bolyard’s will be open Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.


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