‘Old-school’ butcher shop planned for Maplewood

Chris Bolyard plans on opening a butcher shop in Maplewood in 2014.

The chef de cuisine for St. Louis restaurant, Sidney Street Café, plans to open a butcher shop in Maplewood, according to the Riverfront Times. The chef, Chris Bolyard, moved his family to Maplewood three years ago.

Chris Bolyard plans on opening a butcher shop in Maplewood in 2014.
Chris Bolyard plans on opening a butcher shop in Maplewood in 2014.

He is now looking for a space and hopes to open in September.

“Maplewood’s just super supportive of small, independent business — the smaller, boutiquey places are doing very well,” Boylard told the RFT. “It’s centrally located, and it’s just a growing area. Maplewood wants you to do well.”

The future shop, Bolyard Meats and Provisions, will use the entire animal. Bolyard plans to help customers find ways to cook the parts not normally used. The animals will be 100 percent locally sourced.

“It’s going to be an old-school, artisanal, whole-animal butcher shop,” he told Sauce Magazine. The shop will sell everything from retail cuts to fresh sausages, smoked meats and house-made condiments. He’ll also offer things like dog food and soap made from tallow.

Read the full articles in the Riverfront Times, and in Sauce Magazine.


  1. There was an old fashioned butcher shop on Manchester across from the EJ Wedge when I was a kid in Maplewood. This is good news for the community and I hope they find a place and do very well.


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