Strange and Supernatural St. Louis: event on Halloween Eve


Tuesday, Oct, 30 from 10 to noon in the Missouri History Museum’s Lee Auditorium there will be a free study of ‘Strange and Supernatural St. Louis’ with your ghost guide Ron ‘Johnny Rabbitt’ Elz.

Elz sent this information:

The program starts with music by Knez Jacovac and Charles Creath. – Elz will moderate a program to include: Historian Chris Nafziger of St. Louis Patina with new facts of the haunted Lemp family. – Ghosts of the Fox theatre will be revealed by Arlene Cerbie. – Dr. Harley Hammerman will tell the strange story of a famed restaurateur, his movie-startlet wife and mysterious death. – Riverman Tom Dunn will talk about haunted riverboats.

Feast magazine’s managing editor Nancy Stiles will detail one of the strangest stories of the prohibition era centered on the notorious Nellie Muench. – Joe DeGregorio will bring some ghosts from The Hill. – And there’ll be a scary haunted house story by Ron Stevens and Joy Grdnic.

Admission is free, no reservation needed. The ghosts will be waiting to meet you this coming Tuesday, Halloween Eve, at the Missouri History Museum from 10 to noon.

Ron ‘Johnny Rabbitt’ Elz said his technical associate Bob Finot lives in Richmond Heights, and that one of the topics will be about Bill Medart who created what is now The Cheshire Inn.


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