Roads take center stage at mayor’s happy hour


Mayor Chris Thornton held his monthly happy hour meeting with residents on Thurs., Aug. 13. He announced that roadwork had begun on Brentwood Blvd. The curbs on the main thoroughfare will be replaced between Eager and Marshall roads with work expected to be complete by the end of the year.

Also top of mind for the recently elected mayor is fast tracking other street repair within the city. Thornton hopes to add Dorothy, Swallow, Oriole, White and ThScreen shot 2015-05-08 at 5.57.14 PMrush streets to the list of roads to be resurfaced in 2016. This will require board approval.

The next happy hour will be Thurs., Sept. 10 at 5:30 p.m. in the soon to re-open Brentwood Recreational Complex with the “hopeful” addition of beer and wine, cheese and crackers.



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