Maplewood’s library proposition passes with almost 90 percent yes votes


Proposition L, the bond issue for the library, passed on Tuesday with 87.1  percent of voters voting yes for the proposition.

Library board member, Charlie Hinderliter, told supporters of Maplewood’s Proposition L on Tuesday night, that the campaign was well funded, with generous in-kind donations as well.

He said 44 percent of the donations came from city council members (new member Matt Coriel donated almost $800 left over from his first campaign for council)  and all but one council member had a sign in their yard.

Running unopposed for city council, Krista Garcia won Ward 1, and Shawn Faulkingham won Ward 3.

In Ward 2 it was a write-in contest, with Chastity Mattox winning with 19 votes (22.6%) over a total of 39 write-in candidates. Her closest competitor was Ian Storm with 17 votes.

According to the Board of Elections, they are still counting ballots, including provisional ballots and military ballots which are not due until April 7. They will not certify the election for about two weeks. Thus, there will be no official or unofficial winner declared by the city until the certification process is completed by the Board of Elections. The city charter only provides for a runoff election in the event of a tie (once the certification process is completed).

Prop A, to increase the tax on auto sales, and Prop B, to allow food trucks greater access to the city both passed easily.



  1. Will the library be releasing a breakdown of how they plan to spend the funds? 3 million dollars seems like a lot of money for repairs and upgrades. The Maplewood tax payers deserve to know where their money is going to assure skeptics that the tax burden is worthwhile.

    • Yes! The budget is always part of the public portion of the Board of Trustee meetings (dates and agendas are posted on the city hall website).

      ICYMI during the campaign: the bulk of the funds will be used for building preservation; water-proofing, security and accessibility upgrades.

      It’s also necessary to note that the Board of Trustees will not immediately utilize all 3 million allotted by the bond.

      If you have more questions or concerns, there is always a public comment portion of each Trustee meeting (at the beginning).


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