Obituary for Thomas Edward Harman: Jay B. Smith Funeral Homes


Jay B. Smith Funeral Homes reports that Thomas Edward Harman, 100, died peacefully on Saturday, January 4, 2025, surrounded by family in Maplewood, Missouri.

According to Jay B, Smith, Harmon was a World War II veteran, serving in the United States Army. After military service he became a letter carrier. He was part of the Knot Hole Gang at Sportsman Park, was a Shamrock Athletic Club Member, and played softball, soccer and other sports. He was a member of the Letter Carriers Union and treasurer for the Political Action Fund for many years, meeting every Democratic President up to Barack Obama.

Visitation will be on Tuesday, January 14, 4 – 8 p.m. at Jay B Smith Funeral Home in Maplewood. Funeral service will be on Wednesday, January 15, 10 a.m. at Jay B Smith Funeral Home in Maplewood.


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