Maplewood City Council meets with new AV system installed in chamber; A business license is revoked


The Maplewood City Council opened its meeting on Tuesday with City Manager Amber Withycombe introducing the workings of the new audio/visual system in the council chamber.

Monitors are wall-mounted on either side of the council, and one facing the council. With the new system, meetings will be live streamed on YouTube, with the recording available immediately following, according to Withycombe. [YouTube of the Jan. 14 meeting] The total cost of the system, purchased from Schillers Camera, including parts, labor/installation for the council chambers and conference room was approximately $122,000.

Another change is that anyone wanting to speak in the public hearing or public comments periods must sign in before the meeting. For comments in the second public comment period the signup sheet is next to the podium. Comments can also be made via email, but will only be given to the council, not read out loud.

The latest Maplewood 101 class was recognized. Maplewood citizens and business owners meet weekly with elected officials and city staff to learn about different aspects of the city government. Bailey Schuchmann, Kim Gifford, Linda Robinson, Mary Kausch, Lizzie Wiley and August Wise received their certificates.

Mayor Barry Greenberg congratulates Maplewood 101 graduates, left to right: Bailey Schuchmann, Kim Gifford, Linda Robinson, Mary Kausch, Lizzie Wiley, August Wise. One of the new monitors recently installed is behind the group on the wall.

Also on the agenda was a vote to revoke the business license for Mape Vape, at 7213 Manchester Road. The business is behind on its state taxes, and has not been in touch with the state to work out a solution, Mayor Barry Greenberg said after the meeting. A business needs to have paid its state tax in order to obtain a Maplewood business license.

Catherine Hamacher of PGAV (Peckham Guyton Albers & Viets, Inc.), architects and planners, presented their research as the firm is continuing to work on a comprehensive plan for Maplewood. She showed slides about Maplewood’s demographics, housing, businesses, and the results of surveys. Hamacher’s full presentation, and the full meeting packet is available here, from the Maplewood city website.



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