Top posts: Prop Y, Brentwood elections, BBQ, Dunkin’ Donuts


The week’s top posts were led by MRH Prop Y and Brentwood elections. Posts on a new Dunkin’ Donuts and a new Knights of Columbus BBQ location finished out the top five.

Also in the week — St. Louis County Councilman Pat Dolan apparently killed the South County Connector, a solar sunflower in Maplewood, and Foundation Grounds changed hands.

  1. MRH Prop Y wins big
  2. 2 Brentwood incumbent aldermen lose, was almost 3
  3. Brentwood, Maplewood, Richmond Heights votes
  4. Richmond Heights officials OK Dunkin’ Donuts, with drive-thru
  5. New Knights of Columbus BBQ spot
  6. Primary results in Brentwood, Maplewood, Richmond Heights
  7. Dolan pushes for turn lane; halts South County Connector
  8. Charge your phone at the Sutton Park sunflower
  9. Maplewood History: Vote Yes On Prop Y
  10. Foundation Grounds changes hands


  1. Quick question – is there an easy way to find out what voter turn-out was on Tuesday? How many registered voters in Mapplewood, Richmond Heights, Bentwood — and how many turned out to vote?

      • This subject came up after the mayoral election: I think only 27% of residents bothered to vote. I don’t get that. Maybe it’s me, but elections are a responsibility and a privilege. thanks for a great question and the work you (Doug) do to provide a response.

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