Boys Hope Girls Hope almost complete, some coming to MRH


Boys Hope Girls Hope, a facility under construction in Richmond Heights for middle and high school students whose home environments aren’t conducive to good school work, will be ready for them to move into this summer.

Executive Director Deacon Farrelly said they’re moving from three separate St. Louis locations to the one — on Elinor Avenue — so it will be a staggered move. The office will move the first week of May; the students will finish the school year where they are and move in over the summer.

He said the new house increases the capacity to 20. They’re losing three kids to graduation, and have 12 openings to fill. They’re in the application process now.

At the new location the house on the west is the boys house, the house on the east is the girls house and the center building is the office.

“I don’t know if we’re going to get all beds filled right away; it’s a pretty unique program,” he said. “Although there’s a lot of need, it’s sometimes difficult to ask people to leave their homes.”

Farrelly said only one or two of their current students would need to transfer to MRH, but they don’t know about the new ones coming in.

“The kids have been on tours of it, and their eyes are bugging out, they’re so excited,” he said. Ribbon cutting is Sunday, May 15.

The new Boys Hope Girls Hope home is being built just north of Menards.
The new Boys Hope Girls Hope home is being built just north of Menards.


  1. Please don’t hate me Doug–but i would like to re-introduce the change from an apartment complex on 2 acres–BUILT ON GREED—and build something for the community. BHGH cannot possibly be the only program to elevate the individual and provide the academic resources young people need to fulfill their true talents and aspirations. Let the people who want apartments, rent one of the very many free-standing home vacancies in brentwood. NOW THAT IS WIN-WIN. There is no shortage of good causes. GHBH was NOT the right time for Madge. But here we have a developer–who has quite grand machinations for a measly 2 acres, with VERY HIGH ROI drool on his face. What is wrong with this picture? Why are the champions not from B’wd picking up on this? GREED. I even thought of a new slogan: “Brentwood: the City For Sale 2U!! (we’ll help you rape and escape by generous re-zoning to urban–and maybe a licence for a massage parlor, our generous tax abatements or bring your own ideas…if you got the CA$H –we sell.” Not very warm and human. Too many worthy lives are never heard from because MONEY IS THE REAL MAYOR OF B’WD. Absolutely yes. Improvements in our City are a good thing. Exercising a balance of humanity and REAL property improvements, without completely displacing the residents’ life long homes —would leave us with that boring “Brentwood, the City of Warmth.” Maybe i have lived and learned in too many places that break my heart. Brentwood needs to bolster the impetus on human needs just looking for an education and safety, as part of perfecting the “City Plan.” We are currently a lily-white dominated city where commerce and racial bigots are heard loudest, and on them shines the bright lights. THIS IS NOT WHO WE ARE. I really have more—but hope no one responds to this. Brentwood has a very heart-felt community sense. Why are they not being heard? (and NO–i do not go waste my time at meetings, I want to see it in writing. Commit yourselves.) These “meetings” engage us where decisions supposedly open are actually DONE DEALS. I would like to see posted the proposal for our City Plan. Post it here–P&Z , City planners, and mayor. Our BOA can speak for the people. The BOA in place, looks good. Let’s see if they actively recruit input from the citizens living “in the City of Warmth,” Not outside carpet bagger developers.

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