Resident says Eager Road needs street sweeper, city says call public works


A Brentwood Forest resident emailed photos of “unannounced” work on Eager Road Wednesday morning.

He said construction workers told him the reels belong to Charter and appeared today and that residents weren’t notified that “their already tight parking would be impacted.”

He said that later he called the number on the reel and it was moved. He also said the condo association told him that they “can do nothing and know nothing.”

He added street sweeping has “long since ceased along Eager construction zones and apparently the sites have no days off, working at 6 a.m. even on Sundays and holidays.”

Brentwood city staff said the city has a street sweeper and there is no formal schedule. Residents call the public works department if they would like a street to be swept. That number is (314) 963-8642.




  1. Get a grip! Richmond Heights has little or no concern or care for Brentwood in general and most especially the pain that we residents on Eager have been suffering. I do occasionally see a street sweeper come along in their defense but there is such a plethora of dust, mud and rocks that it isn’t nearly enough. I’m sick of the noise, the dirt and the heavy construction vehicles. On the bright side, residents and visitors of the 2 big projects will be shopping in our Brentwood shopping centers and leaving their retail taxes in our coffers!!

  2. Yes. B’wd has noise ordinances. If RH enters into even one foot of B’wd limits, they need to be fully culpable for obeying B’wd Laws–as a shared territory.

  3. Living on Eager road across the street from that new elderly care building going up has been a nightmare all summer long! Jackhammers and beeping trucks began at 5am everyday lasting sometimes till 7pm. Weekends are just as bad beginning at 6am. Eager has been a sheet of mud after rains. Can’t keep the car clean for nothing. Trucks stop and block one lane on Eager during morning rush hour causing a traffic mess.

  4. I think the North side of Eager Rd is Richmond Heights responsibility. Please correct me if I am wrong.

    I think Brentwood has an ordinance no construction can commenced before 8:00 a.m. on weekends and holidays. Again the construction is in Richmond Heights.

    I think the reason for working on weekends is because they have a by date to complete the construction. Then if they meet that date what happens? The construction company sometimes receive a bonus such as the latest completion of I64 and US40.


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