A Brentwood resident isn’t happy with the car wash voucher program for residents living near the Manhasset apartments construction on Eager Road.
Resident T. delRosario lives on Eager Road across from the construction. He said in December that Eager wasn’t being cleaned and construction dirt covered cars and buildings.
Since then the roads are being cleaned, and the cities of Brentwood and Richmond Heights offered free car washes to residents affected by flying dirt.
delRosario said he asked the city administrator by email how to collect the car wash coupons.
“We live directly across from the gravel trailer entrance and the dirt construction entrance,” he emailed. “The street sweeping somewhat clears the street of dirt and mud but it also blasts up a cloud of water that cements the dirt onto our cars since we work from home in IT and our cars are always present. Will the car wash coupons be distributed or do we pick them up? How often?”
delRosario said he was told to go to city hall for details, which he did, where he discovered the city received 30 coupons total from Holland Construction — one per person affected, he said. He thought the number may account for the three buildings directly across from the construction site.
“Only one per person for the entire duration of the construction!” delRosario said. “I guess we are to wait for the completion of the buildings and then go get our cars washed after all the trucks have moved out.”
- Eager Road not being cleaned of construction dirt: resident
- Construction firm offers free car washes (for some)
The city of Brentwood has been contacted for comment but has not responded immediately. The city of Richmond Heights city manager said the Brentwood City Administrator’s Office is administering the car washes and can answer questions.
delRosario sent these photos, saying, “This is what it looks like on a daily basis.”

Wait a minute who exactly negotiated 30 whole vouchers, for all this dust on our cars forever? ANd the jokers send out a press release? oh please… get this stinken mess cleaned up already!!
I picked up my voucher for my $5.00 self-service car wash. I think this was a joke. There is no way I would use one those car washes at my age . I think this was an insult to us. I am sure the residents of RH on the other side of the highway would not be offered anything like that if they had to put up with the trucks like we have to.
Not cool! Cheapskates!