Brentwood releases list of trees to be removed


The Brentwood Parks and Recreation Department provided an update on city Resolution #1058, regarding city trees to be removed in early 2017, according to a post on the city website on Tuesday. See the plan to remove city trees.

Davey Resources Group completed a tree management plan for the city in 2014, “in an effort to promote and preserve the City of Brentwood’s urban forest and improve the management of public trees.”

The plan identified 99 city-owned trees that were recommended for removal. Of those 99 trees, 68 remain. Resolution #1058 directed staff to remove those trees.

72 percent Brentwood trees in poor condition: inventory (July, 2014)

City staff has compiled lists of trees to be removed. This will enable staff to better communicate with residents when the contractor will begin working on the tree, according to the city.

See the list of trees to be removed here.

On Dec. 23, the city removed a mature oak tree belonging to Doug Gruder, on Urban Avenue without first notifying him.


  1. The article states ” To promote and preserve The City of Brentwood’ s urban forest” yet lately it seems our city council has to plow up, bulldozer over, and build on every scrap of empty land. Our green space is rapidly disappearing.


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