Auto Ford Plaza demolition begins

The Auto Ford Plaza demolition began Tuesday. A generation 3 QuikTrip is planned for the spot.

Demolition began Tuesday morning on the Auto Ford Plaza building. QuikTrip plans to move its store at 3010 S. Big Bend Boulevard to the corner at Manchester and Big Bend.

Work was started, then held up when Maplewood police arrived and had the southbound lane of Big Bend closed.

Property owner Dan Lesseg told 40 South News previously that the demolition work would take more than a week. He also said the typical QuikTrip takes six months to build.

Maplewood voters approved the QuikTrip relocation in April, by passing Prop Q. The new QuikTrip location was originally opposed, in 2011, by the Maplewood Richmond Heights School District.

The Auto Ford Plaza demolition began Tuesday. A generation 3 QuikTrip is planned for the spot.
The Auto Ford Plaza demolition began Tuesday. A generation 3 QuikTrip is planned for the spot.



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