Maplewood to use half of $1.2 million on Manchester improvements


Maplewood council members agreed at their meeting Tuesday to use $600,000 of the $1.2 million the city is receiving from its Hanley Road TDD to pay for the next phase of improvements to Manchester Road, STL Today reports.

A federal grant covers the rest of the cost.

The work is the third and final phase of the improvements to Manchester Road in Maplewood. It includes repaving and installing sidewalks from Bredell Avenue to Hanley Road and installing a left turn lane at Laclede Station Road.

The work is set to begin in spring/summer 2015, according to Maplewood Director of Public Works Anthony Traxler.

In a discussion of how to use the remaining $600,000 from the TDD, Councilman Shawn Faulkingham said he would like paths for biking and walking throughout the city, but City Manager Marty Corcoran said the money has to be used within the transportation district area, according to STL Today.

Faulkingham asked Corcoran to provide a map of the the district to help it understand where the funds can be applied.

The council also gave first-round approval for the 2014-15 city budget.

Read the full report in STL Today.


  1. As a recent scooter traveler, I’m also appalled. i’ve worked extensively in third world Asian countries and haven’t seen streets as bad as some in Maplewood.

  2. Fixing the pot holes on secondary and smaller residential streets would be a huge help. I dread driving on Rannells and over by the ECC because of what terrible condition the streets are in.


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