Affidavit: Kelly not involved in sign switch

A composite of Chris Thornton and Mark Wilson yard signs.

Following the Brentwood mayoral forum on March 18, which ended with a statement by candidate Mark Wilson that a business had switched campaign yard signs from Mark Wilson to Chris Thornton at Mayor Pat Kelly’s request, to which Thornton couldn’t respond publicly, the 40 South News editor asked Thornton if he would like to respond through 40 South News. Thornton declined at the time, saying he would let his comments in the forum stand.

Screen shot 2015-03-25 at 10.43.36 PMAfter the issue continued for about a week, with some saying that Kelly had asked Thornton to run, Thornton asked attorney, Martin Jansky, a non-Brentwood resident, to check into it.

Jansky located the business, Steven Johnson’s Allstate insurance agency at 8812 Madge Avenue, and asked Johnson if he would testify as to what happened. Johnson’s notarized statement follows. Thornton gave the 40 South News editor two copies of the affidavit at St. Louis Bread Co. in Brentwood Wednesday evening.

County of St. Louis, State of Missouri

Affidavit of Steven Johnson

Before me, the undersigned Notary, personally appeared Steven Johnson, known to me to be a credible person and of lawful age, who being by me first duly sworn, on his oath, deposes and says:

  1. My name is Steven Johnson. I am over the age of 18, competent to make these statements, and have personal knowledge of the matters stated herein.
  2. Though I am not a resident of Brentwood, Missouri and am not eligible to vote in municipal elections, for about the last 18 years I have owned property and operated an Allstate insurance agency in Brentwood at 8812 Madge Avenue.
  3. On or about March 12th, 2015 a supporter of Mark Wilson contacted my office and solicited my support for Mr. Wilson. A short time later Mr. Wilson himself came to my office and solicited my support for his campaign.
  4. I told Mr. Wilson that my only real concern was the re-paving of Brentwood Blvd. Mr. Wilson indicated that the re-paving had not occurred do to mistakes make by Mayor Kelly, and spoke in negative terms about Brentwood city government concerning that issue among others.
  5. As he was leaving my office, Mr. Wilson asked my permission to put his sign in front of my place of business. I accommodated him.
  6. Over the weekend, I thought about the negative tone of the conversations with Mr. Wilson and his supporter and began to have doubts about the statements they had made.
  7. I contacted Mayor Kelly directly and concluded that what Mr. Wilson had told me about the Brentwood Blvd. repaving issue was not accurate.
  8. In reflecting upon my brief exchanges with the Wilson campaign, I removed the Wilson sign. Instead, I decided to display signs for Chris Thornton, which I obtained from his wife, who actually is my main insurance agency competitor in the community.
  9. Soon thereafter, Mr. Wilson stopped by my office and asked why his sign had been removed. I respectfully told him that I had thought about it over the weekend and changed my mind.
  10. I learned recently that Mr. Wilson alleged that Mayor Kelly called me and told me to support Chris Thornton. This unfortunately is also false.
  11. At no time did Mayor Kelly tell me to remove the Wilson sign or to put up a Thornton sign or to support Chris Thornton. This was my own decision. I am not sure Mayor Kelly even knew I had any political sign displayed at the time.
  12. While I feel that the public servants running for the Mayor’s office have earnest intentions, I care deeply about our city and hope for a cleaner and more accurate debate on all issues affecting our community.
  13. After being contacted by the Thornton campaign for my side of things, I agreed to make this affidavit to clear up any misrepresentation concerning the above exchanges.

Signed by Steven Johnson, and notarized on March 25, 2015

Thornton said, on Wednesday, there were a couple other things he wants people to know.

“Mr. Wilson saw something, apparently he made some assumptions, and he spoke publicly about it. I did not say a word until I had some facts. Then when I had facts, I came to you (40 South News) and said look, I have information that’s pertinent, now I can have a discussion. That’s how I work. That’s how I would run the city of Brentwood.

“The only other thing I would have people know is that I feel—this is opinion—that I think it was a deliberate attempt to turn the election for mayor of Brentwood into a referendum on Pat Kelly with me standing as proxy. I find that ludicrous, disingenuous, dirty. I’m Chris Thornton. I’m not Pat Kelly. I’m running for mayor of Brentwood—not Pat Kelly.”

Thornton also said he met Pat Kelly as part of his application to the planning and zoning commission for the site he is developing on Brentwood Boulevard for his wife’s insurance business. “I met him through that process. I never met him outside of that process until I declared to run for mayor,” he said.

Thornton also told about how he came to run for mayor:

“About a year ago I got involved with a group of people who were concerned about the leadership at city hall. We met informally from time to time and we discussed leadership. Over the course of time it emerged that we weren’t happy with any of the choices that were coming forward to lead the city in the next mayoral election, and that small group of people collectively decided that I should run. It was done, as far as I know, without the knowledge or input of Mayor Kelly or anybody else at city hall.”

Thornton continued:

“For anyone to suggest that I was hand-picked or all this other nonsense that’s flying around is ridiculous. Does Mayor Kelly support me? Apparently so. Have I thanked him for putting a sign up? Sure. I’ve thanked everybody that’s put a sign up. So any suggestion that I am proxy for Pat Kelly is absolutely ridiculous. If anybody has a shred of integrity it will stop.”

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  1. The affidavit was a well crafted set of words—which is different than the fullness of Truth. Mark Wilson still remains the candidate of credibility and substance in his election bid. He listens to residents and takes them seriously.

    I spoke with Chris Thornton. Watching his face, perceived a LED marquees scrolling across his forehead saying “How can I change this to my benefit? Didn’t think he was listening as much as trying to rack up votes–which I find inauthentic.

  2. 40 South readers and commenters: I have noticed that some commenters do so under several names, using a common email address. As I have no way of knowing if it’s a case of multiple users in a household, or of a single person posting under more than one name, where I find this, I will pick one of the names used and delete the others. Please stop this practice in the future. I’m sorry if it’s a inconvenience. Thanks

    • Oh this is just perfect. For 2 years I’ve had people on this board busting my balls for not revealing my “real name.” Now we find out that some posters are using multiple names. Right! Years ago I learned from a telephone harassment case that 1 phone line in a home which is available to multiple users within the home, perhaps even from outside the home in the garage or a pool house creates enough reasonable doubt to earn an acquittal against an occupant of the home who was charged with harassment. So 1 IP address, 5 occupants in a dwelling, who knows who is actually posting anything anywhere? .

      • OK, I’ll try and follow the idiotic topic. Typical Brentwood B.S. when someone needs to issue an “affidavit” to somehow enhance their credibility they’ve already lost their credibility. Affidavit, really what a joke. OK here’s an affidavit: I the undersigned Mr. Completely hereby promise to stay on topic from this date forward as determined by both Jerry and David, who ever they are.

        Signed this 29th day of March 2015, Mr. Completely.

      • Just to clarify I agree with that the affidavit omitted facts and that Mark Wilson spoke the truth. I actually find Mr. Completely quite entertaining at times.

    • The business in question about the sign switch came forward when he heard the accusation made by Mark Wilson at the end of the debate. Pat Kelly and Chris Thornton didn’t no what business was in question.It’s amazing how one little statement causes so much controversy ! Chris Thornton hasn’t done anything wrong except get the facts and defend himself. It takes a spark to start a fire. I’ll be glad when this election is over !

      • Defending himself from what? Again, if he has no affiliation with Kelly than why the extreme measure to “defend” himself? If a conversation took place between Pat Kelly and the Allstate agent why would Chris Thornton concern himself with that. And if you’re implying that the Allstate agent came forward after either being present at the forum and hearing Mr. Wilson’s statement or reading it here at 40 south, well then it sounds like Mr.Thornton went to all this trouble to defend Pat Kelly. Hmm Interesting!

        • You have no idea what you are talking about, “Timbo”,who is “Timbo”? It doesn’t take much to start so much controversy in Brentwood,

          • Bob -you’d be surprised at how much I actually DO know. Apparently I hit a nerve… sorry bout that! I’m just commenting here on this 40 south article just like everyone else. Starting a controversy you say. I think you may have arrived a little late to that party. This city has been wrought with controversy way before any of this affidavit stuff which I certainly wouldn’t call a controversy. It’s more of a desperate tactical move. Anyway, thank you for your reply and for your concern about my name. My friends call me Timbo but if you’d prefer you can call me Timothy. Have a nice day.

  3. Chris Thornton contacts one of his attorney friends to check into the matter. The business in question just happens to be the #1 competitor of his wife’s State Farm business. This attorney friend of Mr.Thornton approaches said businessman and proceeds to ask him to sign an affidavit stating his own version of events that contradict Mr. Wilson’s account. Talk about intimidating! That poor guy probably didn’t know what hit him! And with all this so-called fact finding, Thornton still never reveals how they found the business in question. (Hmmm, maybe a little birdy named Kelly called to tell him. Speculation yes, but definitely a possibility). Mr.Thornton, put your big boy pants on. Things are going to be said about you that you’re not going to like. Are you going to run to your attorney friends every time something like this happens? If you TRULY are not associated with Mr. Kelly than why the extreme measures to “prove” it? Unfortunately for Mr. Thornton, this affidavit proves nothing except his desperation to disassociate and distance himself from Mr.Kelly. Politics is a dirty game sometimes, and as Mr. Jones pointed out, this city has a long history of ugly, desperate tactics candidates will stoop to, in order to get elected. Mr.Wilson simply stated his version of events that took place during a conversation with a business, not revealing the name of the business or the individual he spoke with and not to disparage Mr.Thornton, but rather to point out how politics has been conducted by our current Mayor for so many years. Mr. Thornton, who claims to have no association with Mayor Kelly, decides he needs to get an attorney involved, reveal the business and the name of the business owner, thus pulling him into the mix (still not sure how he found this out) to have this affidavit signed! I guess desperate times call for desperate measures. Mr.Wilson you have my vote!

      • Thornton said he consulted an attorney who found Jones but I agree with you–not clear if this is the business in question. Seems as if Jones had something to say, he could have come forward–he is an adult–not sure why he had to be tracked down but JMO. I also think this topic has truly gone its course and we need to focus on the real issues facing Brentwood but again, JMO.

  4. The time to move forward is now. All I have to say about Pat Kelly is that he is an highly moral family man moving back into private life. It is unworthy of B’wd residents to hold a tight grasp on resentments when they are part of a tumultuous history.

    As a private resident Pat deserves the same rights as the rest of us take for granted. And I again say, I was very hard on him when i disagreed with him during his terms. But that is over now. It is time to make peace. We can see what this election is doing to B’wd, It has been uncharacteristic of residents to be so agitated with aggression and animus, when the election is just 2 weeks away. To survive this transition, i hope the better angels of residents guide us back to kindness and non-bitterness. Pat has already offered to help if called upon, showing his true character. Hopefully, the rest of us will have a positive ‘take-away’ from his lead.

    • You’re the only person on this board who can’t stop talking about him and you can’t make up your mind if you love him or hate him. Its troubling that you post mixed messages 10 times a day its also distracting. He was driving the bus when all the crap went down. Move on, cast you ballot.

  5. It is kind of deflating to see such a small community, populated by truly nice people, turned to animosity trying to yell louder than the next guy.

  6. Brandon Jones, who is “Carl” you mentioned? I want facts, that’s all, quit wasting everybody’s time, I’m calling you out!

  7. Wait a minute. I AM a voter in Brentwood. Steve has been the insurance agent for my family since he has been in Brentwood. He is an upstanding guy. I have met his wife and we sit and talk about our kids, the stock market, housing, restaurants, and everything under the sun. And some of you are trying question him and his business. So now you are getting personal with me, a Brentwood resident and voter for over 25 years. If you knew him, you wouldn’t say the things that you do.

    I’m not a friend of Pat Kelly. But he was voted into office by a majority of Brentwood voters. I’ll bet that none of you ever ran for Mayor. If any of you think that you can do better, run for office! But, you won’t.

    Do something positive for the city instead of whining. Steve Johnson has a business in Brentwood and I’ll bet that he pays more money to the city and draws more money to Brentwood than any of us.

    And Brandon, I know you personally. I can’t believe that you would say something bad about anyone. Just run for office, and let’s see what happens.

    • I have only said anything bad about Kelly. I am presenting historical facts for consideration and allowing the people the make up their own minds.

      You must not know me that well, because I know one Jerry, and he doesn’t live in Brentwood.

    • Jerry, thank you for speaking out about the 25 years Pat Kelly has been re-elected Mayor. in good conscience, I admit having been an aggressive and negative about Pat’s performance as Mayor. For that I have to say I was short sighted, as the problems ran much deeper than the seat of the Mayor. The BOA has been every bit as contributory factors in the City Hall ruckus. My error was in only looking at the “hot light” put on the mayor, and not all the factors for which he took blame. I have not agreed with many of the decisions made by the board, and erroneously laid it all at the feet of Pat. I know him to be a highly moral family man, and failed to look at the big picture. History has Mayor Kelly re-elected for 25 years of service–so obviously something was right. I am sad to see the animus this current election has brought out. But for the 25 years, Pat has done what he thought was right. Now in this current election, he has mutually reached out successfully to both Mark Wilson and Chris Thornton, to contribute as an emeritus opinion when called upon. The time to get off the negatives is now, and allow this man and his family to get back to being engaged as private citizens with private stances on public matters. For my mea culpa, I wish I had backed off the ‘hot light’ and re-focused on the bigger picture. For my failure, I apologize to Mayor Kelly. I continue to support Mark Wilson for substance and credibility, but have no doubt that Mayor Kelly will remain supportive of the best interests of Brentwood, regardless of the election outcome.

      • Earth to Maureene: Pat Kelly and his band of idiots hand picked, backed and supported many of the people on the BofA for decades. His ward 1 & 2 friends, police & fire buddies and STMM machine elected most of them. At the end of it all Kelly set the agenda although behind the scenes were others in big development, law firms and construction who actually pulled the strings. Kelly was and is a tool.

  8. There is still an important unanswered question here. How was it verified by 40 South News, that Mr. Johnson was the business owner in question? From what I saw, there was one comment by “Carl” saying that he could verify that it was Mr. Johnson. That was the first I had seen any name come up. Who is Carl? How does he know? Was he there when it happened? Did Mr. Wilson tell him he was speaking about Mr. Johnson?

  9. All this interesting conversation from a man that does not live in Brentwood, will not vote in Brentwood, and we still wonder how the Allstate office got there?

  10. I believe the affidavit, and the statement that Chris T. did not have a tie with Pat Kelly. I still believe that Mark Wilson is my candidate, and that Pat Kelly would not jeopardize whomever is elected.

    For my vote, I see Mark Wilson as candid, authentic and not going to make money off of B’wd; he is a residents’ man to vote for. I VERY much appreciate the lengths to which Chris T. went to prove his non-ties with previous mayor, but stand by my assessment that there were too many ploys used at the forum to “jump start” his position –which I believe to be commercially much too friendly. I am for the residents.

    I see this as a two man race–but who ever wins, the citizens are in charge of the agenda—-not the mayor. This is why I support Mark Wilson. He has residents as his focal position–not commerce. Wilson’s agenda will reflect B’wd as a residential community with commercial interests—and not a lame strip mall of failed commerce, with residents as “after the fact” considerations.

  11. Thank you for publishing this information. It is most helpful. I’m also appreciative that the candidate went the extra mile to get all of the facts for the community, and that he did not speak off the cuff before having the facts – big thanks to Mr. Thornton for going the extra mile to be accurate in his comments and to provide more information for the community. It’s easy to make assumptions when you don’t have all the facts. Getting the facts straight before sharing information is critically important.

      • Agreed. I have heard Mr. Thornton speak on at least 2 occasions. And in all of those occasions one of the many messages that resonated with me was his belief that the mayor needs to have a certain level of professionalism. Mr. Thornton had an opportunity to address Mr. Wilson’s closing statement before today. However, clearly he wanted to do his own research and gather the facts. Having done that, he then presented those facts to us. This approach evidences the patience, temperament and professionalism I believe is necessary to eliminate the acrimony and divisiveness present at the Board of Alderman. This approach is that of a true leader.

  12. If you don’t think this election is a referendum on Pat Kelly you’re an idiot. He’s turned Brentwood into a joke. Acting like he’s running LA or Chicago all the while just under the surface we’ve got Chris Seemayer (criminal) on a pension, Fire Chief who was asleep at the wheel for 3 decades while his crew collected unearned overtime. who leaves with a going away party, these idiots couldn’t even run as golf turney. Yea at this point its anybody besides Kelly.

  13. This means nothing. A) Mr. Wilson never said it was this guy. Someone else did. B) If it’s possible that Mr. Wilson is lying, it’s also possible that Mr. Johnson is lying.

    • Mr. Johnson would be subjecting himself to perjury, Brandon. I doubt he would go to that extent when he doesn’t even live here.

    • I disagree. Mr. Johnson is a business owner. He publicly stated what happened and willingly gave that written statement to 40 South. This is not something a business owner would do lightly, especially if that owner wishes to keep a good relationship with the local community.

  14. Wow. What a striking difference between the candidates. Wilson forms conclusions based upon hearsay while Thornton bases his upon fact. The choice for a true leader is clear.

  15. Thank goodness we have plenty of choice for insurance these days. I remember when Allstate and State Farm used to be the Cadillac of insurance.


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