A round-up of news from mostly Maplewood businesses.
Great Harvest’s ( 7360 Manchester) entries in the Taste of Maplewood contest will be their Blueberry Maplewood Walnut for the sweets category, and Schlafly Bacon Cheddar Beer Bread for best taste.
Maplewood is set to have two e-cigarette shops: at 7213 Manchester and 7184 Manchester. Yes, they’ll be a block apart.

Las Palmas (7356 Manchester) has a new sign above their back door to the Marietta parking lot. Great Harvest Bakery’s back door is there too.
According to Ward 3 Councilman Barry Greenberg, Strange Donuts ( 2709 Sutton) will offer the Barry Greenberg donut at the Taste of Maplewood. Proceed go to the MRH Key Club, the Kiwanis high school community service club.

World’s Fare Ice Cream made mango, peanut butter-banana, peanut butter-banana-chocolate, chocolate, and chocolate chunk ice cream this week. So far the only place to get World’s Fare ice cream is at pop-up events around town, and almost anywhere you run into Susan Spitz. She shared it this week reporting for jury duty.
This week’s Stranger at Strange Donuts is a collaboration with Southwest Diner (6803 Southwest) It’s a cornmeal pancake donut with Jonathan’s Firey Eggs and thick cut bacon. Get it Thursday – Saturday 9 p.m. – sold out at Strange Donuts (#donezone), and Saturday and Sunday 8 a.m. – sold out at Southwest Diner.

Seed Geeks proprietors Marc and Angela Adler, of Brentwood, are selling their seeds at the farmers markets at Schlafly Bottleworks on Wednesdays and University City on Saturdays.
A Pizza Story (7278 Manchester) had a trial tasting of four different types of flours last week — on pizzas cooked in their wood-fired oven — and decided on the best. They hope to be open in time for Taste of Maplewood (May 17) with pizza and beer in front, but not if it means any sacrifice in quality.
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Tiffany, hairdresser at Rich’s Hair Salon (7400 Manchester), hopes to be back at work this summer.
Airedale Antics (7316 Manchester) will hold its $5 nail trims for dogs and cats on Saturday with proceeds going to Rescued Racers. Tony is still looking for a part to full time groomer.

Foundation Grounds (7298 Manchester) has received all the needed permits and begun construction on its expansion into the space next door.
Flying Tiger (7231 Manchester) sold its first Royal Enfield Continental last week. Still plenty of Enfields, Buddy Scooters and more on the floor. They’re also now selling Motor Oil and Leather glycerin soap in addition to 2-Stroke Smoke candles.
The Blind Tiger at Sutton Place (7376 Manchester) was picked by St. Louis Post-Dispatch restaurant critic Ian Froeb as one of 11 of the newer restaurants in St. Louis that’s been “garnering some serious buzz.”
Kathleen Hoelscher Pehle, from Washington, MO, and graduate of the Maplewood Cosmetology school (1966-67), was shopping Maplewood with friends on Monday.
Doug, Thanks for walking the beat and keeping us informed. The donut named after me is a chocolate donut with chocolate icing and coconut and will be available at the taste of Maplewood. $.10 from each donut will go to benefit the MRH Key Club, the Kawanis high school community service club.