Brentwood aldermanic candidates report donations


One Brentwood aldermanic candidate has received almost two thousand dollars in contributions, and several have received and spent nothing.

Candidates for public office in Missouri are required to file a 40 Day Before Report—due 40 days before the election—detailing contributions and expenditures. Reports are also due eight days before, and 30 days after the election.

The candidates for Ward 1 alderman both e-filed on the Missouri Ethics Commission website. Ward 3 alderman candidate, Steve Lochmoeller, filed the report in person at the St. Louis County Board of Elections. See also: Brentwood mayoral candidates file financial reports

A candidate who has not received or spent any money is not required to form a committee or file a report. Aldermanic candidates Keith Slusser (running unopposed in Ward 2), Andrew Hartnett (against Steve Lochmoeller in Ward 3) and Tom Kramer (unopposed in Ward 4) have not formed committees.

Ward 1 candidate David Plufka has received $1,842 in contributions and spent $994.

Plufka has received these contributions:

  • Don Musick, $500
  • Keefe & Griffiths, P.C., $500
  • Christine Lewis, $250
  • Susan Ryan, $200
  • Lipic’s Engagement, $155.99 (in-kind)
  • David Plufka, $136.35 (in-kind)
  • Rhodes & Lally, LLC, $100

Plufka spent $994 for yard signs at Lipic’s Engagement.

Ward 1 candidate Hart Nelson has contributed $200 to his campaign, and received no other contributions. He has not spent anything on his campaign according to the report.

Ward 3 candidate Steve Lochmoeller filed in person, and has received a total of $1,650 in monetary contributions:

  • James H. Bastian, St. Paul, MO, $500
  • Steve Lochmoeller, Brentwood, MO, $300
  • Jane Lochmoeller, Brentwood, MO, $200
  • Alice M. Faron, New Melle, MO, $150
  • Karen M. Smith, Brentwood, MO, $150
  • A. G. Leahy, Brentwood, MO, $150
  • Louise Charboneau, Brentwood, MO, $100
  • Amy Stoker, Defiance, MO, $100

Lochmoeller has spent $434.63, including $240 for flyers.

See also: 4 running for mayor of Brentwood, 6 for alderman




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