Brentwood BOA set to reduce city officials’ term lengths

Brentwood City Hall

The Brentwood Board of Aldermen is set to reduce the length of term for the mayor and aldermen from four years to two when they meet Monday at city hall. Also, among other agenda items, a Brentwood architectural firm is set to be named to oversee renovations at the Brentwood Community Center.

  • Bill No. 5896 would change the term of office for the mayor, aldermen and municipal judge from four years to two beginning in 2015.
  • Bill No. 5899 would authorize the major and/or city administrator to execute an agreement with the city and Chiodini Architects (1401 S. Brentwood Boulevard #425, Brentwood, MO) to provide architectural, structural, civil, survey, landscaping, mechanical, plumbing, and electrical and fire protection services for improvements to the Brentwood Community Center.
  • Bill No. 5901 would authorize the mayor and/or city administrator execute an agreement between the city and N. B. West Contracting (1035 North Service Road E, Sullivan, MO) in the amount of $175,911.44 for four asphalt projects in Brentwood.
  • Geoff Presson will take the oath of office to be a police officer for the Brentwood Police Department.
  • Brentwood police officers Dave Pouk and Paul Clayton will be awarded certificates of excellence for their “extra effort” in obtaining evidence which led to the arrest of two suspects in an armed robbery in June.

See also: Brentwood Forest armed robbery suspects arrested

See the complete meeting agenda for August 18 here.


  1. I believe reducing the term limits to be a step in the wrong direction. These positions truly are draining and after serving two 4 year terms, most people would not want to serve a third 4 year term and certainly not a 4th. However if the next term is just two years, then there is a different mind set when deciding to run for another term as it is a lesser commitment. As a result the elected officials continue to run and end up serving what seems like an endless term. After 8 to 12 years, it is time for people to give up their positions and let somebody new step in. For this reason I will be voting against the proposal.


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