Brentwood BOA to take up city compensation study bill for 5th meeting in a row


Screen shot 2013-10-20 at 8.00.26 PMThe Brentwood Board of Aldermen will meet Monday at 7 p.m. in city hall for a regularly scheduled meeting.

Bill 5800 failed two meetings ago with a 3-3 tie vote. Bill 5810, on Monday’s agenda, is the  same bill, reintroduced. It would approve paying a consultant to execute a compensation study of the city staff. 5810 was introduced at the Nov. 4 meeting and put on hold. Bill 5800 first was on the agenda at the Sept. 30 meeting.

See minutes from the Nov. 4 meeting.

These bills will be considered in Monday’s meeting.

Bill 5796 (on hold) – An ordinance authorizing a surface transportation program—urban program agreement with MoDOT relating to the Hanley Industrial Complex Improvements Project.

Bill 5810 (on hold) – An ordinance authorizing the mayor and/or city administrator to execute a professional services agreement on behalf of the city with Higbee Associates for comprehensive compensation consulting. It’s the 2nd and 3rd reading.

Bill 5811 – An ordinance vacating right-of-way along the northern property line of a residence at 2441 Louis Avenue owned by the city which is no longer necessary. It’s the 1st and 2nd reading.

Bill 5812 – An ordinance authorizing the mayor and/or city administrator to enter into an agreement with Ems Management & Consultants. It’s the 1st and 2nd reading.

See the full agenda on the city website.


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