Brentwood mayor on city’s ups and downs: 2015 was good, but no 2016 budget so far

The Brentwood Board of Aldermen meet Tuesday, Jan. 19.

Before the Brentwood Board of Aldermen meeting Tuesday night, Mayor Chris Thornton sent his state of the city summary to the aldermen, and also 40 South News. At the meeting, he talked though some of the points:

  • 2015 was a good year for the city, financially.
  • $665,000 was added to the unallocated funds — sometimes called the reserve. City account balance now stands at over $4 million, roughly 25 percent of what it takes to operate the city.
  • Tax revenues are largely coming from sales tax revenues, thanks to decisions made by previous mayors Kurtz and Kelly. As a result, Brentwood residents pay very little taxes to Brentwood.
  • Commercial development remains strong — Macaroni Grill announced they were closing and Chik-fil-A moved in. Golf Discount closed and Total Wine and More moved in — this location is setting records nationally.
  • Residential development is going well. The school district is highly rated and Brentwood is rated as a good place to live.
  • The financial strength allows the city to do do things that he said are important — Thornton said he likes “building things.”
  • The recreational complex was renovated — a much more beautiful, useful facility now.
  • Nine streets were repaved.
  • The Litzsinger Road project is coming along. Will provide safe, lighted access from one end of town to the other.
  • The board passed the compensation bill in November — allows the city to cap salary growth. Salaries are the city’s biggest expense.
  • City signed a memo of understanding with the firefighters and their union. They will now be treated just as other Brentwood employees, as far as salary goes.
  • City’s customer service experience for residents needs to improve.
  • The city has lost a number of management level employees. “Largely due to the fact that as a city we don’t give them the latitude to do the jobs that they’re hired to do.” Thornton said he and City Administrator Bola Akande don’t always agree — “At the end of the day, I have to get comfortable with the fact that this is Bola’s full-time job and she knows what she’s doing…”

On the 2016 budget:

  • The city 2016 proposed budget came out on Oct. 30. Proposed roughly a $20 million operating budget. It adds personnel, includes resources for capital improvement projects: roads and parks.
  • The board didn’t approve the budget.
  • “I don’t have any problems with board members who don’t agree. The issue is, if you don’t agree with the budget, tell somebody what you would rather see. Recommend an alternative. If it’s not approved, with no alternative, it leaves us hanging,” he said. “It may seem like business as usual around here without a budget but it’s not.”
  • As a result, the city is not bidding out refinishing streets because it doesn’t have the authority to execute contracts. If the bids don’t go out in time, the streets won’t be repaved this summer.
  • Police department CALAEA certification funds won’t be available.

Later in the meeting Alderwoman Maureen Saunders made a motion to hold a board workshop meeting at 7 p.m. on Jan. 25 at the community center for the aldermen to discuss the 2016 budget; it passed 6-1. Alderman Keith Slusser voted ‘no’ because he said he voted for the 2016 budget originally, and also it is tax season and as a CPA he is busy. Alderman Patrick Toohey was absent.

See also: Brentwood firefighters soon to have ballistic vests: “in the wake of Ferguson”

The Brentwood Board of Aldermen meet Tuesday, Jan. 19.
The Brentwood Board of Aldermen meet Tuesday, Jan. 19.




  1. I’m not on any “side” as many seem to be but I was really disturbed by the hostility (eye-rolling, sarcastic tone, etc) shown in Tuesday night’s meeting. After listening to the Mayor’s talk including “I don’t have any problems with board members who don’t agree. The issue is, if you don’t agree with the budget, tell somebody what you would rather see. Recommend an alternative. If it’s not approved, with no alternative, it leaves us hanging,” he said. “It may seem like business as usual around here without a budget but it’s not.” I was very taken aback by the negativity shown to Ms. Saunders when she suggested that the Aldermen meet to discuss the budget to “tell somebody what you would rather see”. Short of locking you all in a room together until you can play nice and come up with a solution what can be done to reach an agreed upon 2016 budget? We get it, you don’t like each other, but as a taxpayer I’d rather see you hate each other without involving the residents/taxpayers. This isn’t high school, it’s out City Government. Less of the bullying and foot stomping and more productive, adult compromising would be appreciated.

    • Jimmy-Brentwood City Hall is a very contentious place. This sight is a forum in which a lot of people express their emotional attitudes. I suggest one be careful taking comments from people who hide behind anonymity as being the only answer to any issue. The Mayor holds a coffee and a happy hour every month in which he addresses questions from citizens. You would be free to ask anything. He also stays around after the formal time and is easy to approach for a one on one. The City Website can offer you the timing of the next meetings or call City Hall. As it is often said, there are two sides to every story. This forum is full of stories and people with agendas.

      • I am in no way hiding behind anything if you are pointing that finger at me. The comment section on this SITE is an open forum for people to express their opinions. As I said- I have not taken any sides in this and the only agenda I have is seeing a sensible 2016 budget in place that is fair to employees and taxpayers. I also know there is more to the story than I saw at the meeting and have read in all that has been published on the budget issue. I simply expressed my dismay at our elected officials being so at odds with each other.

  2. Jimmy – Alderman Saunders tried to set up the workshop last year, know who shot it down and not allow it, your Mayor. It was set up so all the Alderman could understand a very complex step program on how employees are paid. My understanding is in doing diligence for their constituents they should know where the money is going. Seems the new Mayor, just like the old Mayor does not want to be transparent.

      • yes the Mayor was there, to shut it down which is why a workshop never actually happened. Go to the podium at the next meeting and ask the Mayor then Saunders to recap the events of trying to put together a workshop.
        The audience and you will be blown away with the gap in stories.

        • Were you there? Because I was. She got to hold her workshop, just like she wanted. But instead of doing anything productive, she pointed the finger at everyone else in the room- aldermen, city employees, and past employees. It’s the same old song and dance with her.

          All these people on here comment their opinion, but I’d be willing to bet a very small percentage of them actually ever go to a BOA meeting, or do research to back up their claims. It’s very obvious to me, because I actually do attend and am involved.

  3. A few questions: how much is it costing the city to send these aldermen to these workshops Maureen Saunders keeps recommending?
    Secondly, how many must they attend for her to feel they are all competent for their roles?
    Lastly, why must they attend yet another financial workshop? (Did they not attend a couple last year?) from the recent postings and citizen and former employee concerns it sounds as if some need to attend a professionalism workshop. We are losing phenomenal city employees not only to better salaries but also related to harassment from our board of Aldermen and women.

    • Here’s “Jimmy”, another name with the same talking points regarding aldermanic oversight of the budget. The same old Saunders hatred, the usual incompetence smears. I wonder where these people hold their meetings. Or if they’re all voices in one persons head. He rates people who have left city govt. as “phenomenal”. How does he know? Personal knowledge? Perhaps through also working for the city, or drawing a check from Brentwood in some other capacity such as contractor/vendor? In those cases, I’d have to say these talking points should be disregarded due to obvious self interest.

      • So am I to understand that anyone affiliated as an employee or former employee shouldn’t have a voice on issues in Brentwood, if their thoughts and experiences differ from yours? I am a former employee, I will not deny the fact. Myself and other former employees have commented recently regarding issues that really should be talking points. I have seen Maureen Wheat’s comments that some of our talking points should be looked into. I am no longer employed by Brentwood, so I do not have any real self interest anymore. But I do know many good employees there who deserve respect for being a person and for their work. With many of the employees it is not about “money” or “micromanagement”, it is about being treated respectfully. I am sure you will call me “disgruntled” and put me down but the fact is when you are treated disrespectfully you do become a little disgruntled.
        With an open mind I do respectfully appreciate your opinion. I would hope others would appreciate the opinions and voice of those who work for or have worked for the City. Sometimes an inside voice can shed light on issues that need to be exposed.

        • Hey BW,
          You have done something I believe others have not. That is, tell everyone where you’re coming from. Good on you. I respect that, and would welcome it from others. I will say that for those of us working outside govt, cries of “lack of respect” don’t really draw much water. They’re well-paid, have great bennies, and don’t have to show a profit. Sure it’s nice to be loved at work, and to get a little massage now and then. But in today’s economy, private sector folks are more interested in having a job, keeping it, and paying the bills. We throw a temper tantrum due to lack of massaging, we get canned. And we pay the salaries & pensions of the people suffering from “lack of respect”. Sorry, but you get your respect every time you cash your city check. One other thing. The people that really concern me are the contractors, consultants, vendors, etc. who exert influence unseen. How many years have some of these people been around? Whose ear do they have in govt.? Do their interests conform to those of the taxpayer, or are we just their money supply? You have a good weekend BW, and thanks for your thoughts.

          • Totally predictable! This behavior pattern has been around far too long and is not conducive to uniting a broken community. Can’t address the content of an issue so attack the person. Real class.

  4. I have 2 issues that concern me. 1) I object to the new Mayor referring to the citizens as
    his ‘customers’ . 2) Has anyone ever considered repaving Marblehead. It has long been
    in need of repaving and the circle is looking unkept since the sewer repair at #3 Marblehead.

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