Brentwood school board tables road through McGrath playground


The Brentwood school board at its meeting on Tuesday tabled a proposed road through the McGrath Elementary playground, connecting High School Drive to the current parking lot, according to a resident at the meeting.Resident Barry Williams reported on the meeting:

Superintendent David Faulkner recommended tabling it, saying he believes the school district needs to step back and develop a comprehensive facilities plan for all of its schools before considering a proposal like this one. Board vice president, Mark Womer, offered the motion to table and the six members present approved it unanimously 6-0.  Joe Hembree was absent.

Following the vote, board member Melissa Nehrt asked if, in lieu of the proposed roadway, the board could instead explore other, less-expensive traffic solutions.

Board president, Keith Rabenberg, said he was willing to table the proposal for the time being but might wish to revisit it.

Williams added that the Brentwood residents who spoke in opposition to the McGrath proposal at the previous school board meeting are relieved and pleased by the board’s decision to put the proposal on hold.

The proposed road was to go along the northern edge of the McGrath playground, forcing the removal of a stand of trees.



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