Brentwood Sports Authority may close after all


Sports Authority Inc. will no longer reorganize, as previously planned in March, which would have saved the Brentwood location from closing — a fate other area locations faced. Sports Authority now is abandoning plans to reorganize, the Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday, according to the St. Louis Business Journal.

A company lawyer said potential bidders are reviewing assets but there is no guarantee any of the stores not previously planned to close will stay open — that list includes the Brentwood location at 8340 Eager Road.

See the the full post in the St. Louis Business Journal.



  1. Someone please tell the sports authority employee that the store
    is closing. I would hate to see them get trapped in the building when they lock the doors.

  2. Looks like Brentwood’s love affair with big box shopping is coming to an end. Office max, office depot, sports autority, my guess is best buy is next. One only need to look at the abandoned mall in crestwood to see the future for the galleria as well. Hope the municipalities stashed away all the money they made for a rainy day. Oh wait these were all built with tifs so all we’ll have left are abandoned storefronts.

    • Plus there are getting to be a lot of empty lots on Manchester – where Memphis bbq used to be, the bar/restaurant, the site that’s soon to be razed, the nursery, etc.

      • Go a little further east and see what a great job maplewoods leadership has done. I don’t think you’ll find an empty storefront and they have devloped a sense of community there. It is like webster except cool. I live in Brentwood and it’s embarassing.

  3. Never shop there. If they close would love to see the Trader Joes relocate to this location. The current location is small and parking is a nightmare.


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