Business owner: completed affidavit ‘on his own accord’

A composite of Chris Thornton and Mark Wilson yard signs.

Steve Johnson, the Brentwood business owner who signed an affidavit regarding switching campaign yard signs, said by email on Monday that he completed an affidavit about the incident on his own accord.

Johnson declined any further comments, in response to questions emailed him over the weekend, other than to say, “The only thing I will say is that I completed the sworn affidavit on my own accord.”

Johnson, an Allstate insurance agent on Madge Avenue, switched from a Mark Wilson to a Chris Thornton sign earlier this month.

Wilson said in the mayoral forum on March 18 that the change was made at Mayor Pat Kelly’s insistence, though the business wasn’t named in the forum. About a week later, Johnson signed an affidavit swearing he made the decision to change signs without Kelly’s involvement. Several days after that, Wilson made a statement refuting the affidavit.

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    • Hi Tom Gibson, I don’t hold myself out as not having earned a major “mea culpa” in some really vitriolic posts. I have to post this as I just got faint and sick like a heart attack from standing in line at confession at SMM. Catholics are only REQUIRED to go one time a year to confession prior to Easter to meet their obligation.

      I consider all my posts that at heart lack charity to be my sin. So I have go every week; sometimes more. Anyway, I am as much a part of the scene that needs to recalibrate, back to zero, their love of the City and Neighbor when April 8th comes around. PS–Tom you have always been a comfortable neighbor to have. very best regards to you and the family, maureen

      • LOL. I am a fallen catholic. Went SMM for eight years. Always argued with Father Durkin and Father Deddens. Was a lot of fun.

        • Argue?? So tell me someone who did NOT!! I remember. And you are still Catholic–we don’t give up our own! Never say never again. 🙂 With your good will, perhaps we can get the peace in Brentwood that so many of us remember, and not just wait until April 8th. Blessings. maureen

          • It is simple. People just need to quit arguing. We all have our point of view, if we just work together to make it a great city to live in, we win.

  1. With a new mayor and new alder(wo)men, can we wipe the slate clean and start fresh on April 8th? I cannot be the only person wanting peace at the close of a vigorous, and at times contentious campaign. As a community, we are so much better than this. It would be nice to get back to who we really are.

    • Totally agree with you Maureen. This story is old news and has been beat to death. People have made up their minds already. Time to move on.

  2. I said it before and I’ll say it again since no one is listening! Has it accured to anyone that Steve Johnson came forward on his own when he heard the statement Mark Wison made at the end of the debate? Another thing, Mark Wilson will not admit he is wrong or made a mistake. Have you known any politician to admit being wrong or making a mistake?

    • Chris Thornton specifically said he engaged the services of an attorney to track down the business owner. Who knows if it is the correct business owner.

  3. I think we should trust Steve Johnson that his statements are what they are “his sworn statements” Mr Wilson letter to 40 south never said if this affidavite by Mr Johnson was accurate? That is queston I would like answered.

    • Enough already. “Affidavit” is a such a strong word for the statement that he signed. Wasn’t under penalty of perjury and as others have pointed out, no evidentiary value. Maybe two people just see it differently or maybe Johnson wasn’t the business owner in question.

    • Per the article, “Johnson declined any further comments, in response to questions emailed him over the weekend, other than to say, “The only thing I will say is that I completed the sworn affidavit on my own accord.” The statement may be accurate, but wholly incomplete, if not further misleading, in terms of what transpired. I would like the clarifying questions answered also. Misrepresenting by omitting relevant information is a form of avoiding the truth.

  4. An affidavit that refuses to meet a full response to informational lapses and open questions equals a lie of omission and is worse than nothing. Mark Wilson’s credibility is flush with answers and superior in substance. Thornton’s campaign appears more like a children’s building game of Legos; keep moving the pieces rather than work a good plan.


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