Businesses shuffling in Maplewood


Maplewood business, Maven, is moving west, from the 7200 block of Manchester Road to 7328 Manchester — the space NHB Knifeworks is vacating to focus on its online business.

Also, 7312 Manchester Road is still available, according to the signs, after Sole Survivor moved from there to a bigger space at 7401 Manchester Road.

The space remaining after The Book House (7352 Manchester Road) was subdivided is still open, and also the corner space at Manchester and Sutton Boulevard. Both are Red Brick Management properties.



  1. It would seem, in Maplewood anyway and from my observation, Red Brick does not have a good track record for knowing how to manage retail rental space.

  2. Even if the space were leased (the empty side of the Bookhouse), no one would be able to get an occupancy permit without building an egress on to the building (not a cheap endeavor).

  3. It still confuses me that Red Brick made The Book House give up half of its space, yet it still sits unoccupied. They would be making money on the space had they not split it up.

    • We would Love to have that space back – if only for the window displays and storage. Or would love to partner with a coffee shop or restaurant. It’s a great space and we desperately need more space . . . But it needs a lot of work and we simply cannot afford to get it up to code or pay the rent they are asking.

      Michelle Barron – The Book House


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