Schnucks hiring for new Maplewood store


Hiring for the new Maplewood Schnucks store has begun. The store is due to open in August.

Interviews are at the store location, 7345 Manchester Road, beginning Thursday, July 26, and continuing Monday – Friday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Saturday 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. until the store is staffed.

Apply online before interviewing at the store at:

These positions are being hired: bagger, janitorial, checker, floral clerk, meat clerk, produce clerk, deli clerk, center store clerk, bakery clerk, overnight baker, seafood clerk and liquor clerk.

See the Schnucks Maplewood Hiring Flyer here


      • I do not believe that Acero, or Reeds, or Schlafly, or Benevolent King, or Tapped, or Maya, or Living Room, or Boogaloo, or Muddled Pig, or Crows Nest, or Robata, serve Fried Chicken…… no, it is not a requirement in the Maplewood……..the Chicken joke got old about two years ago…….but continue humor yourself.


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