Chris Thornton running for mayor of Brentwood

Chris Thornton is running for mayor of Brentwood.

Brentwood businessman, Chris Thornton, filed to run for mayor of Brentwood on Tuesday. Thornton and his wife Pam operate a State Farm Insurance agency in Brentwood. He’s one of four running for mayor.

Chris Thornton is running for mayor of Brentwood.
Chris Thornton is running for mayor of Brentwood.

Thornton said Tuesday that his experience trying to build a new office at the corner of White Avenue and Brentwood Boulevard is what got him interested in running. He said hold-ups from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources have so far prevented the new office from being built.

“I had an interest in it, and I heard that Pat was probably not going to run again, so I thought I’d come out and put my hat in the ring,” he said.

Thornton said he would have more details on his candidacy in about a week. See also: Chris Thornton, Brentwood mayoral candidate statement, meeting schedule


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