Coffee shop launches fund raiser for new equipment

Dennis and Mary Keller, owners of Brentwood Perk

The Brentwood coffee shop, The Brentwood Perk, at 2944 S. Brentwood Boulevard, has been in business for a year, and now needs to replace some equipment.

11219538_888553414585998_7174497940624488446_nThe shop has started a Go Fund Me campaign to raise $7,000 to “stay afloat,” owners, Dennis and Mary Keller say.

From the campaign web page:

“We are a locally family owned, drive thru only, coffee and cafe shop.  We have owned this shop for 1 year trying to keep things afloat, equipment is old and we have had several break downs over the course of this year. We need some major upgrades on our espresso machines and cooking equipment to stay in the game. To keep doing repairs have been costly.”

In an update, they say the first piece of equipment to replace will be their ice machine. Contribute at The Brentwood Perk’s Go Fund Me campaign. For more information on the shop is on Facebook.

Dennis and Mary Keller, owners of Brentwood Perk
Dennis and Mary Keller, owners of Brentwood Perk


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