Craft Beer Cellar now optimistic about Maplewood, employee says


Maplewood officials at their July 12 meeting voted almost unanimously to deny Craft Beer Cellar’s request to open a store on Manchester Road in Maplewood. The craft beer specialty store has a Clayton location and its owners still want to be in Maplewood as well, despite the initial defeat.

The owners, brothers Brandon and Ryan Nickelson, since then have been working to get as many Maplewood council members as they can to visit their Clayton store to show them it’s not a typical package liquor store, according to an employee there Friday evening. She said it’s been going well.

She said a majority of the council members have visited the Clayton shop, and was optimistic that if it came up again it would go their way. She said the mayor is the hardest one to sway to their side.

If passed, the Maplewood package liquor store ordinance would be altered to allow the new store — it couldn’t sell hard liquor, cigarettes or lottery tickets.

Inside the Craft Beer Cellar in Clayton
Inside the Craft Beer Cellar in Clayton


  1. Nothing City Hall makes sense and hasn’t for years. It’s the “Good ‘Ol Boy’s Club” and major change is needed SOON! Another chicken place/chain?! Give me a damn break. They adjust The Rules at their whim to whatever may benefit THEM!
    They hound residents and let businesses-well, most-get away with the same things they hound residents about and WE are the ones paying RIDICULOUS TAXES – higher than almost any other municipality!
    It’s time more residents get involved, attend the council meetings and STOP letting City Hall make POOR decisions!!

  2. I think Craft Beer Cellar would be a complimentary business to the other specialty beer businesses in Maplewood. Customers who come to one business would enhance the customer base of the other and vice versa.

    Craft Beer is popular with business type people and would not be the typical package store patrons. I hope the city council will reconsider their initial opinion of a business that has the potential to be a positive addition to Maplewood.

  3. I’m happy that the city council appears to be reconsidering–I hope they see that Craft Beer Cellar is a well-run store that would fit very well in Maplewood. Good on them for doing so!

  4. I am perplexed at how city “leaders” can vote on something WITHOUT investigating. I hate wasting my time. I especially hate when people who have decision-making power waste the time of many. It’s not rocket science. For the love! Why didn’t said “leaders” visit the Clayton establishment BEFORE they voted? I hope these guys get it right the second time around & vote in favor of welcoming Craft Beer Cellars to Maplewood.

  5. I’m really at a loss as to how our mayor and city council could vote against something without even visiting the Clayton store. The incompetence continues. Cerven and faulkingham said they didn’t want a franchise there. Then a few weeks later, the city is giving legal variances to a chain resturaunt in raising canes. The mayor is borderline senile. He is afraid of everything. A few years ago, he was against equal rights because he claimed sexual deviants would abuse it, he was against airbnb because of sexual deviants and now he doesn’t want a quality beer store in the neighborhood because he fears the type of element it will bring. Thank god his term is up in April. Reading other articles of what he says in council meetings provides an ongoing joke for residents, because that is what he is, a not to be taken seriously joke.


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