Election in Maplewood Ward 3 is Tuesday


Residents of Maplewood Ward 3 will vote on Tuesday to elect a council person to replace  Barry Greenberg, who was elected mayor in April.

In ballot order, the candidates are: Jenny Schmidt, Steve Terelmes and Kristen Spencer.

The poling place for the election is the usual poling place for the ward, 7240 Anna Avenue, at Immaculate Conception Church.

Jennifer Schmidt (Elm Avenue)

Steve Terelmes (Hazel Avenue)

Kristen Spencer (Oxford Boulevard)

See also:


  1. Working families looking to buy here and put down roots is what I believe is best for our community. Renters tend to be much more transient (not all of them). I live next door to a home purchased in 2014 after the previous owners, who had been here some 15 years, moved out to buy a bigger home after having 2 kids. It was purchased to be rented out. I’ve had 3 neighbors in 3nyears. Now the current renters are moving out…so I am about to get neighbor number 4. Ugh!

  2. Voting Steve Terelmes. He’s the only one that doesn’t seem to be inserting his own political party opinion in to this election. And he most likely won’t turn Maplewood in to a rental/section 8 paradise as the other 2 candidates seem to want to do. We have become a sought after community to live in…let’s continue on this path by encouraging “home ownership” and bring the young working families to our city.

    • Where on earth are you coming to the conclusion that the other candidates want to turn the city into a section 8 paradise? How is anyone discouraging “home ownership”.

      I think you are injecting your own prejudices and political views here. Not the candidates.

      Honestly, from what I’ve seen I’d be happy with any of them on the council.


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