The Missouri Department of Transportation is planning to resurface Manchester Road from S. Big Bend to Lindbergh Boulevard beginning late 2020. MoDOT held an open house on the project at the Brentwood School District conference center on Tuesday.
Most of the work will take place overnight, with up to two lanes closed. During the day all lanes will stay open. Curbs and business entrances will also be replaced.
See a MoDOT ‘Virtual Public Hearing’ on the project.
The bridge over Black Creek just west of Hanley Road is more than 90 old and will need to be replaced, an engineer at the meeting said. He said it’s likely that all traffic will be detoured for two to three months while the bridge is being replaced.
The new bridge will be wider, allowing for sidewalks on both sides. The Manchester/ Hanley intersection will also be signalized for pedestrians.
In Brentwood, the city is planning a pedestrian tunnel under Manchester Road at Dorothy Avenue. The Manchester Road grade will be raised at that point so if the road floods it won’t fill the tunnel. A new path will continue south of Manchester. To the north it will connect with Rogers Parkway.
The tunnel is an $8 million project. Half is being paid for by MoDOT. Of the remaining $4 million of Brentwood’s part, 80 percent of that could be covered with federal funds.
In Maplewood, where two projects have already improved all the sidewalks and lighting, the project will be just resurfacing.
Representatives from Trailnet went to the open house. MoDOT reps said there isn’t room for additional biking trails along Manchester.

I really hope the bridge over Black Creek is all done during the summer!
GREAT! This is a Fantastic plan that will really enhance our city of Brentwood and give us a safe and easy link to the Trailnet and Great Rivers Greenway System. Our own Brentwood Bike Trails we implemented in the early 1980s will become a valuable asset.
The current leadership in our city continues to push the city in the right direction.
Thank you
Stew and Nancy Clark
It look like they are going to replace the sidewalk that was just replaced at the new fire house????
No, the article says the work in maplewood is only road resurfacing. Previous projects replaced/improved sidewalks & added lighting.
Doug, the first line is a bit confusing- MoDoT “is planning to resurface Manchester Big Bend to Manchester beginning late 2020.” Previous article said Big Bend to Lindbergh. Is that still the case?
Thanks, Joe. It’s Manchester from Big Bend to Lindbergh. Sorry for the confusion.