Final votes on microbrewery, childcare center, term limits


Maplewood officials cast final votes on Tuesday to allow a microbrewery, to put to the voters if the officials should have term limits, to allow a childcare center, and to finalize the Sunnen Station Redevelopment.

Cory King, owner of the Side Project Cellar, on Marietta Avenue in Maplewood, was approved to operate the Side Project Brewery at 7458 Manchester Road, just east of CVS pharmacy. The brewery will also have a retail area in the front of the building. See also: Maplewood P&Z approves childcare center, micro-brewery

With council persons Tim Dunn and David Cerven voting no, the city council approved putting term limits for all city officials on the April 5 ballot. Dunn explained his position after the Jan. 12 meeting: “I think voting is what makes term limits, especially when you’re not talking about big money, especially when you’re looking at small community.”

Officials approved Creative Crayons Child Care, at 2305 S. Big Bend, a 24-hour facility. A resident who lives near it asked if the proposed three staff members would be enough. The owner said she is not opposed to hiring more if needed, also that the state has guidelines that must be followed.

Patrick Weir, a resident on Laclede Station Road who’s house backs to the Sunnen development, said he had just heard about it, and wanted details. He wanted to make sure trucks wouldn’t be loading and unloading; City Manager Marty Corcoran said that wouldn’t be allowed, at least in evening hours. Weir also asked if the city plans to make a former alley behind his house into a bike trail, and Corcoran said no to that too.

Weir said, “Nice,” and, “Holy smokes,” when he was told Porsche and Maserati dealerships were coming.

In the announcements, council member Shawn Faulkingham wished Marty Corcoran a happy birthday.


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